MASSIVE Insurance Increase After Passing Your Test

MASSIVE Insurance Increase After Passing Your Test



30,352 posts

238 months

Thursday 2nd September 2010
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Jeffmaniac said:
As a former motor claims handler I can vouch that a large number of drivers in their first year will have a crash. Male drivers especially will have large accidents and female drivers will have small car park bumps. With more injury claims coming through every day the price for young drivers is enormous but the insurance companies are not making money from these enormous premiums.
Everyone says this, so all I can assume is that me and my mates, when we were younger, were atypical - NONE of the lads had a single bump either during A-levels or the first couple of years at Uni, while one of the girls had 6 minor (mainly parking/single-vehicle) accidents within a year of passing her test. As Daddy had bought her a brand-new car (while the rest of us ran snotters or shared Mum's car), I bet he wasn't very impressed.


1,326 posts

177 months

Thursday 2nd September 2010
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Make sure you get her the vagina discount


6,753 posts

178 months

Thursday 2nd September 2010
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havoc said:
Jeffmaniac said:
As a former motor claims handler I can vouch that a large number of drivers in their first year will have a crash. Male drivers especially will have large accidents and female drivers will have small car park bumps. With more injury claims coming through every day the price for young drivers is enormous but the insurance companies are not making money from these enormous premiums.
Everyone says this, so all I can assume is that me and my mates, when we were younger, were atypical - NONE of the lads had a single bump either during A-levels or the first couple of years at Uni, while one of the girls had 6 minor (mainly parking/single-vehicle) accidents within a year of passing her test. As Daddy had bought her a brand-new car (while the rest of us ran snotters or shared Mum's car), I bet he wasn't very impressed.
You weren't atypical, just the guys were lucky/sensible - I find Jeff pretty much spot-on. Most of the girls in my year have hit at least something in a minor way, parking scrapes usually, but three of the lads (despite never having small scrapes) have wrecked whole cars. One of us took two at once.
vit4 said:
I'm sure I'm with the only provider who charge MORE for adding my parents onto the policy; bumped it up by a couple hundred quid having both of them
Maybe you have particularly uninsurable parents wink


41,201 posts

248 months

Monday 22nd January
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As an addendum to this thread, my son's learner policy for his MR2 Mk 3 was just over 400.
When he passed his test, the premium (2 parents) was a hefty "just short of 2500".
We ran his details through with 1 years NCB (same scenario 8000 miles) and it's come down to just over £1400.

This is no more than a Skoda Fabia.