Longest time to finish a book?

Longest time to finish a book?



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112 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Some novels I’ve finished in a day. When I was a lot younger I got through all six of the Thomas Covenant novels (all at that point) in five days.

Then there are the other novels which are taking me forever. Not the novels I’ve given up on completely but the ones I’ve started, at times have picked them up again but not got to the end.

I’ve been at Die Blechtrommel (The Tin Drum) for about 11 years. I got a decent way through then stopped then got a bit further then stopped. I picked it up again a few months back and decided to start from the beginning. Up to around page 450…out of over 700!

I don’t know whether to include The Satanic Verses. Started it back in the 90s and have started it a couple of times since but never get more than a third of the way through it. But I do want to finish it one day. Might have to wait until I’ve retired.

Anyone taking longer?