Used book sellers



Original Poster:

4,175 posts

74 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Each year I buy a dear friend of mine a book for Christmas, as he does for me.

Usually my purchases come via eBay, but the book I’m after hasn’t been listed on eBay for the last couple of months.

Could any of you chaps recommend any second hand book sellers please?

The book I’m after is called ‘Who’s really watching you’, and is about how meta-data is used to surveil and profile us as individuals.


Original Poster:

4,175 posts

74 months

Monday 4th December 2023
quotequote all
Thank you all.
Once again, PH delivers smile


Original Poster:

4,175 posts

74 months

Tuesday 5th December 2023
quotequote all
All sorted now for £2.50 including delivery.

Many thanks all smile