Which authors have written the most words?

Which authors have written the most words?



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180 months

Wednesday 8th March 2023
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I can't find a list of the authors that have written the most words - let's say 5M+. There are only selective lists of long books.

  • Agatha Christie wrote 75 novels and a lot of other stuff, maybe 10M words.
  • Brandon Sanderson must be heading for 10M words ( Reddit).
  • Song of Ice and Fire is only ~2M.
  • Jeffrey Archer has dozens of books, maybe 3M+ words.
  • Stephen King has 5M+.
  • Asimov wrote ~10M.
  • R L Stine (the Goosebumps children's books) maybe 10M.
  • Simenon, possibly Dumas, maybe L Ron Hubbard.

But these are nothing compared to the real big hitters. Enid Blyton wrote maybe 800 novels, but they're shortish, let's say 40M words. Barbara Cartland likewise. Others I'd never heard of, with hundreds of novels: Corin Tellado, Charles Hamilton/Frank Richards, Ryoki Inoue, Lauran Bosworth Paine, Kathleen Lindsay, Ursula Bloom, Jon Creasey, Mary Faulkner, Prentiss Ingraham, Leonard Meares.

The Harry Potter series isn't that long. Tolstoy, Tolkien, Dickens, Rowling, Galsworthy, Trollope, Proust likely all wrote 1M+ but that's not noteworthy for such a list.

Any other contenders?

Edited by montecristo on Wednesday 8th March 12:56