Thursday Murder Club


Derek Smith

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251 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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I often buy books that are in the best-seller list. I infrequently agree that they are the book of the year, but it means normally I don’t buy a dud, Dan Brown notwithstanding. I avoided Osman’s Thursday Murder Club. I had the belief that he’d be like he is on Pointless, trying to impress everyone with his intelligence.

I was loaned the hardback version by a family member with the threat that they’d ask questions about it when I returned it.

To an extent, my prejudice was correct. It does seem as if he’s trying to show that he’s good at all aspects of novel writing, especially character building, and the ‘old people shouldn’t be ignored’ meme was a bit overdone. Otherwise, I thought it was very good.

I thoroughly enjoyed the who-dun-it aspect, along with getting to like the characters, even wishing I’d met them. Oddly enough, I felt a couple of them were sketches of members of my family. I loved the thought-processes of the characters. It wasn’t unputdownable, but I read it in short time.

It’s a bit Aggy Christie, complete with middle class actors populating and dominating the pages, but with the addition of character build-ups, something which I actually said I was looking for back in the day of belonging to a book group.

I’ve got the Kindle version of the sequel, so that says something.
