The Road Rat Magazine



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199 months

Friday 12th October 2018
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Any one read it yet?


Original Poster:

21,429 posts

199 months

Thursday 18th October 2018
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Anyone at all?!


Original Poster:

21,429 posts

199 months

Friday 19th October 2018
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Nice one dabooga, update when it arrives if you can pls thumbup


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21,429 posts

199 months

Friday 19th October 2018
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Free shipping if you order the 4 issues for £40 though, which presumably is what they're trying to get you in for. I'm tempted to be honest


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199 months

Monday 29th October 2018
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I still haven't ordered, mainly as I feel the postage charges are a piss-take. Which is probably stupid as if they'd asked £15 an issue with free postage I'd have probably ordered ages ago.


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199 months

Friday 6th September 2019
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To be honest, for the delivery prices I’d expect George Harrison himself to drop them off in his McLaren F1.

I keep looking at the website, I’m happy to pay the purchase price but the delivery charges are a joke. It’s stopped me buying or subscribing completely as yet.


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199 months

Tuesday 25th February 2020
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I’m not overly impressed by the writing, nor the research. I find it’s more fancy photos (that aren’t actually that good at showing off the subject) that are “artistic” for the sake of it.

I find it’s like one of those expensive coffee table books and I’ve never really gotten those either-here, look at some pictures of the stuff I’m “into”.

Sorry to be a bit down on it but if you’re expecting anything like the heyday of motoring journalism from the 70s through to the early 00s you’ll be a bit disappointed.

What was that pseudo architecture magazine that was about a few years ago in all the desperately cool places-paper or something like that it was called?

It’s like that for cars.


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199 months

Sunday 12th April 2020
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bungle said:
They must be getting a lot of flak re the postage, I got this email last night:

Road Rat auto-email said:
You left your magazine behind
We asked the folks who built our website to send you this e-mail because — or so it seems — you decided pretty late in the process not to buy The Road Rat.
This may be because you didn’t much care for our shipping rates. To be honest a few folks have questioned them out loud. I can only ask that you consider two points. The first is the sum its almost exactly what the Royal Mail in the UK charges us to ship 1.1 Kg/2.2lbs of printed paper across Europe, across the world even across the UK. It’s a good rate, courier services cost much more. The other associated costs we swallow.
As a tiny business we can’t afford to swallow any more and — personally speaking — I’d rather not increase the cost of the magazine and feign 'free-shipping’ because there is no such thing as free shipping. There’s a reason Jeff Bezos is as wealthy as he is.
Best. And thank you for your interest. Mikey, Editor.
What a strange thing to send out.


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199 months

Tuesday 16th June 2020
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The_Doc said:
The writing is proper, thoughful, literature, and not just a lazy journo copying and pasting the press release from a manufacturer.
That’s where I would disagree, I think the actual content is poor.

It may be written in flowery prose on heavy weight paper but the actual content itself is incredibly light.

It’s “Wallpaper” (the magazine title) for cars.


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21,429 posts

199 months

Friday 8th January 2021
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I must admit, after buying the first three I think two are practically unread. I refer to my previous comment, its Wallpaper* Magazine for cars. Light on details but says something about the person reading it or the company who's waiting room it sits in.


Original Poster:

21,429 posts

199 months

Friday 8th January 2021
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Funnily enough I could see it in some private surgery doc wink