Good SAS books?



Original Poster:

1,738 posts

118 months

Saturday 14th May 2016
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I've always had a bit of a fluttering interest in military history and I know the obvious facts about the SAS but are there any good books about that can give me a bettering understanding of the history of this special unit.

My Norwegian wife's cousin is in the Norwegian Navy and is constantly talking st about how the Norwegian special forces are the best in the world at this and that so I need to know 100% what I'm talking about before I verbally put this smug git in his place bit also apart from that I enjoy a bit further military reading.


Original Poster:

1,738 posts

118 months

Monday 16th May 2016
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Thank for the suggestions!

bigkeeko said:
Yep, Norway famous for their exploits on the battlefield in all the wars they've been in.

I went throught the same drivel with my Swiss friends when they were all bumming their chat at a dinner table one night. I added the finishing line which was, "What is the smallest book in the world?" . "Swiss war heroes". Convo ended.

Most countries have special forces that are good. Some are poop though and have great sounding names. *cough* US Rangers.
I literally have to sit there and smile at some of the st that comes out of his mouth.