Jack Reacher - any good?



Original Poster:

33,586 posts

215 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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The thread in Films & TV got me started on this, yet when I mentioned it down the pub, just about everyone I know is telling me to start reading this series. Though it's not my usual fare, I've downloaded Killing Floor and expect to start it later this week.

Mr E

21,872 posts

262 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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Read a couple. Fairly passable holiday fare, but I doubt you'll feel the need to revisit any of them.


11,671 posts

154 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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I read one year's ago, can't even remember its title, didn't finish it, since I served in the army I can't stand military/ex forces type thrillers, because they are st. only auther I can read is Andy mcnab. I feel the same about films, only war films I can watch are Full metal jacket and at a push Platoon, just can't tolerate unrealistic ex army man on a mission crap, or war books/films, but thats me, Jack reacher may be good to someone who enjoys that sort of cake.


6,276 posts

185 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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I love them. I've read just about every one. Yes, they aren't particularly accurate - but I read non fiction if I want accuracy. They're fluidly written and fast paced without being OTT. It took him two or so books before he got into the groove but I found them all to be readable.

I find they make a pleasant change from whatever random non fiction subject has taken my interest (polar exploration at the moment.)


25,252 posts

246 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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Lord, great brain-out stuff yes

A fellow PH'er posted me a pile of the books, FOC. I'd like to return the favor, so if you PM me your address, I'll post you a pile?


Original Poster:

33,586 posts

215 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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Thanks for kind offer, but I'm all kindled up these days.
Hopefully your generosity extends to all PHers. wink

Quite looking forward to some light entertainment now. nerd


25,252 posts

246 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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LordGrover said:
Hopefully your generosity extends to all PHers. wink
Absolutely smile


Original Poster:

33,586 posts

215 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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beer feelin' the love, bro'. hehe


816 posts

214 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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I love 'em. His way of doing things is very military and he delivers a thorough a$$ kicking when needed. I like the way the books are written - good action without too much yank, over the top bks. I believe they're making a film of one of the books. Great idea, however in the books, Jack is about 6'6" and built like a brick 5h1thouse, but some goon has put Tom Cruise in it!!

Jack Reacher?! Tom Cruise can't reach the pedals of his car!


5,426 posts

214 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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I've read one, it was about two towns called Hope and Despair. Despair was st. Clever bit of metaphor there, see.

There are two other things I remember about the book. The first is that he got stuck somewhere and had to get a lift back to town with a drunk bloke; and that the bloke drove a Chevy Blazer which wouldn't do more than 70mph. When Reacher tried to push it beyond that, he (somehow) blew the head gasket. Technical detail, you'll note.

The second is him going all Chuck Norris on half the town, and putting a goon in hospital. For some reason he's then taken to see said goon. Through bleeding lips, goon intimates "You did this to me", which would appear to be rather facile, even for someone who's had half of their already sparse sense beaten out of them. Later, it transpires that goon ACTUALLY meant "U did this to me," meaning Uranium. Because all goons communicate in chemical symbols. One later asks for payment in AU. Gripping plot twist, eh?

In short it was laughably, painfully and memorably awful. This from someone whose favourite book is Red Storm Rising, so I'm not proud, but this was a complete steaming turd of a book.


1,234 posts

186 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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ApexJimi said:
Lord, great brain-out stuff yes

A fellow PH'er posted me a pile of the books, FOC. I'd like to return the favor, so if you PM me your address, I'll post you a pile?
Oh ste, I have another one Lieing around for you somewhere. I totally forgot about it. Exams, new house and new job will do that. I'll find it and pass it on again.

Glad I read this thread now!


1,953 posts

158 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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ApexJimi said:
Lord, great brain-out stuff yes

A fellow PH'er posted me a pile of the books, FOC. I'd like to return the favor, so if you PM me your address, I'll post you a pile?
I really enjoyed the series!

I've got a few of them but not all, I'd swap you some if you haven't read the ones I've got or vice versa? I will see which ones I have.


1,953 posts

158 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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Just to add, people who enjoyed the Jack Reacher books might also like the John Rain series by Barry Eisler. Just as good if not better!

I would send them out for free but I'd like to read them again at some point when I've forgotten them enough!


7,380 posts

170 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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mig25_foxbat2003 said:
I've read one, it was about two towns called Hope and Despair. Despair was st. Clever bit of metaphor there, see.

There are two other things I remember about the book. The first is that he got stuck somewhere and had to get a lift back to town with a drunk bloke; and that the bloke drove a Chevy Blazer which wouldn't do more than 70mph. When Reacher tried to push it beyond that, he (somehow) blew the head gasket. Technical detail, you'll note.

The second is him going all Chuck Norris on half the town, and putting a goon in hospital. For some reason he's then taken to see said goon. Through bleeding lips, goon intimates "You did this to me", which would appear to be rather facile, even for someone who's had half of their already sparse sense beaten out of them. Later, it transpires that goon ACTUALLY meant "U did this to me," meaning Uranium. Because all goons communicate in chemical symbols. One later asks for payment in AU. Gripping plot twist, eh?

In short it was laughably, painfully and memorably awful. This from someone whose favourite book is Red Storm Rising, so I'm not proud, but this was a complete steaming turd of a book.
I've read them all and I would say that is the worst by far. They're getting a bit samey but enjoyable enough.


7,380 posts

170 months

Monday 9th July 2012
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Timbuk2 said:
Just to add, people who enjoyed the Jack Reacher books might also like the John Rain series by Barry Eisler. Just as good if not better!

I would send them out for free but I'd like to read them again at some point when I've forgotten them enough!
Similarly, the Scott Mariani Ben Hope books are quite entertaining. Similar premise, ex-special forces dude who can get out of ANY situation in a most unbelievable way. Very cheap kindle versions available.


2,996 posts

203 months

Tuesday 10th July 2012
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CaptiV8ted said:
good action without too much yank, over the top bks.
Lee Child is British.

I can't agree with the rest of your post though, I've only read a couple but I found the character completely over-the-top with the hero that can beat all opponents with his bare hands persona.

Each to their own though and I appreciate I'm in a tiny minority, Mr Child is certainly doing something right.


3,185 posts

194 months

Tuesday 10th July 2012
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Have tried a couple and couldn't abide the writing. Even for brain-in-the-jar pulp action thrillers they are awful.

Davey S2

13,099 posts

257 months

Sunday 15th July 2012
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I like them but have gone off Lee Child since he chose Tom Cruise to play Reacher in the upcoming films.


9,080 posts

168 months

Wednesday 18th July 2012
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I've never actually heard of Jack Reacher before reading about it on here.
Seems like it is up my street. I'll definitely have to get a hold of a book or two smile


Original Poster:

33,586 posts

215 months

Wednesday 18th July 2012
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I'm reading Killing Floor - quite enjoying it.
Easy reading but no nasty, ridiculous twists you sometimes find in some 'low-brow' fiction. Haven't finished it yet though so I may yet be disappointed. hehe