Longest time to finish a book?

Longest time to finish a book?



Original Poster:

7,770 posts

112 months

Tuesday 18th June
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Some novels I’ve finished in a day. When I was a lot younger I got through all six of the Thomas Covenant novels (all at that point) in five days.

Then there are the other novels which are taking me forever. Not the novels I’ve given up on completely but the ones I’ve started, at times have picked them up again but not got to the end.

I’ve been at Die Blechtrommel (The Tin Drum) for about 11 years. I got a decent way through then stopped then got a bit further then stopped. I picked it up again a few months back and decided to start from the beginning. Up to around page 450…out of over 700!

I don’t know whether to include The Satanic Verses. Started it back in the 90s and have started it a couple of times since but never get more than a third of the way through it. But I do want to finish it one day. Might have to wait until I’ve retired.

Anyone taking longer?


8,725 posts

147 months

Thursday 20th June
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I started the Koran and Ulysses in 2012 and at the current rate of progress will finish both sometime in the 23rd century....


459 posts

125 months

Thursday 20th June
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Foucaults’ Pendulum by Umberto Eco. Just over 33 years & I still haven’t finished it.


859 posts

154 months

Thursday 20th June
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I took Dr Zhivago on honeymoon nearly 28 years ago after struggling with it for about 5 years before that. Thinking of it as a retirement project now in about 10 years time.


5,908 posts

166 months

Friday 21st June
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I still haven’t finished Gormenghast


511 posts

34 months

Monday 24th June
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Skeptisk said:
I’ve been at Die Blechtrommel (The Tin Drum) for about 11 years.
I remember seeing this on Channel 4 decades ago, very weird film.

I don't think I have finished a book in the last 20 years, here are a few I tried and put down.

1)Harry Potter - This would be when the first film came out, I think I read a couple of pages and gave up.
2)Wolf of wall street - Went out of my way to buy it one lunchtime at work, never even opened it.
3)1984 - Read about 50 pages on holiday, found it hard going, put it down never opened it again.
4)At Home with the Buckleys - I follow their YouTube channel so got a signed copy for my birthday. Never opened it.
5)Numerous Jeremy Clarkson books - Again I seem to get one for my birthday or Fathers day. Again never even opened them.
6)In The Pleasure Groove by John Taylor (Duran Duran book) - Again never even opened it.

Just recently I took them all to the Charity Shop, I have now realised I am unlikely to ever read another book now so I don't even waste my money buying them.

It's like all the still sealed DVDs I used to own, it was actually a relief taking them all to the charity shop.

To quote Arthur Schopenhauer "Buying books would be a good thing if one could also buy the time to read them in: but as a rule the purchase of books is mistaken for the appropriation of their contents."


4,949 posts

223 months

Monday 24th June
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Ulysses by James Joyce.

Bought it in the 1990s, couldn't finish it.
Bought it again (new copy) in about 2012, couldn't finish it.
Tried listening to it on audible/audio book, couldn't even stomach this.

Best book of the 20th Century my ar5e

Edited by The_Doc on Monday 24th June 20:54


20,839 posts

275 months

Monday 24th June
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Yup, Ulysses, and also Finnegan's Wake after I lost momentum in Ulysses.

To misquote Peter Cook:

"What are you reading?"
"Oh, really? Neither am I."

Wacky Racer

38,458 posts

250 months

Monday 24th June
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ThingsBehindTheSun said:
Skeptisk said:
I’ve been at Die Blechtrommel (The Tin Drum) for about 11 years.
I remember seeing this on Channel 4 decades ago, very weird film.