Favourite books



Original Poster:

2,852 posts

213 months

Friday 29th March
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I’ve just finished the fourth on Richard Osman’s Thursday Murder Club series.

Nicely paced, if a little fantastical. Still a good, solid, well thought out read.

Apparently, he has a new book, on a new subject, coming out next, prior to a further Thursday Murder club book.

Prior to this book, I was reading a medieval murder mystery and before that a twist on Sherlock Holmes and Mrs Hudson.

Anyone else read Richard Osman or have any other recommendations?


12,200 posts

245 months

Friday 29th March
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Every time I read a Michael Connelly book, I remember how good they are. I don't remember reading a bad one.


5,705 posts

185 months

Saturday 30th March
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Medieval murder mystery you say. A target rich genre smile
I very much enjoyed the Adelia Aguilar series by Ariana Franklin.

Super Sonic

5,624 posts

57 months

Saturday 30th March
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Alistair Reynolds' Absolution Gap. A story about cathedrals walking around a moons equator to keep a planet in sight in case it disappears again.