Roald Dahl Censorship



Original Poster:

2,362 posts

157 months

Friday 24th February 2023
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Now we are censoring literature, deleting history, removing historical relics (much like ISIS/ISIL did) can we now come up with new titles for books?

For Roald Dahl we could start with Danny Fourth Placed of the World.

Any others?

Derek Smith

45,975 posts

251 months

Friday 24th February 2023
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Dorrit of no particular height.

Non-judgmental - we all have our faults fair

Acceptance of one's limits and accepting everyone for who they are

Adequate Gatsby

The call of the placid.

Moby and the unspecified part of the body

The peasant of the token of love but not possession

Les not in any way upset

The diary of a perfectly respectable person who was a friend we haevn't yet met

Of human outlandish sexual power trope, mainly by men

No one should be afraid of anyone

The person at eye level in a building

Do people of a mechanical sort, but still people, dream of any animal


In no way special person of no specific sexual orientation


9,592 posts

56 months

Friday 24th February 2023
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Mr Wonka will have to get used to being called William now... & he will have to be nice to all them kids too. rolleyes


20,852 posts

275 months

Friday 24th February 2023
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Derek Smith

45,975 posts

251 months

Monday 27th February 2023
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One small point. Peter Pan.

Wendy [the little, pre-pubescent child] was, according to Barrie, every inch a woman, although not many inches, peeped out of the bedclothes.

“Wendy,” said Peter, in a voice no woman could resist. “Wendy.” So she sat with him on the side of the bed. She offered to kiss him.

She indicated by touching her nightgown that he could sit nearer her.

PP) keeps asking Wendy to get up on the bed with him.

Pure porn and must, must be changed for the sake of the children.


2,118 posts

99 months

Thursday 2nd March 2023
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Derek Smith said:
Wendy [the little, pre-pubescent child]
Is "pre-pubescent" a description from the book, or from your own very special and unique mind?


439 posts

114 months

Saturday 11th March 2023
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I find the whole "woke" business both risible and worrying. Using the Roald Dahl lark as a starting point, all of "Biggles" will be out, and most of "William" will have to go as well. I think I read that some universities have warned that plays like "Macbeth" contain violence, not to mention "Titus Andronicus" (may contain children). Fagin in "Oliver Twist" will need to be a lot less Jewish, and "The Jew of Malta" will have to be banned altogether. I know I'm being light hearted about it, but when small groups claiming that their sensibilities are at risk and don't like old fashioned or historically different material or attitudes, gaining traction for removal or grounds for censorship rather than acceptance, study, analysis and reasoned argument is academically idle and dangerous.
"Charlie and the Tofu Factory" just doesn't cut it.


9,592 posts

56 months

Saturday 11th March 2023
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I don’t know whether to laugh or cry over this lastest bout of insanity.
But publishers will benefit from selling the UPDATED VERSIONS.
My Nephew has had a few books published... & he agrees with me. scratchchin

BFG might be a challenge.

NB: Ok, not RD... but Chitty Chitty Bang Bang would have a large, rather important chunk removed or rewritten.

Edited by Milkyway on Saturday 11th March 10:30


14,075 posts

99 months

Friday 15th September 2023
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Just to be as inclusive as possible, it's probably better to clear the shelves of books published before 2008.


41,090 posts

193 months

Tuesday 12th December 2023
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you'd imagine that a whole slew of older authors would fall foul...

H Rider Haggard
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Robert E Howard
Rudyard Kipling

and that's before you get to those who weren't even particularly pleasant by the standards of the time... I'm looking at you H P Lovecraft


57 months

Tuesday 12th December 2023
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768 said:
Just to be as inclusive as possible, it's probably better to clear the shelves of books published before 2008.
Probably safest to just go the whole hog and burn them all. I seem to rememeber this has happened before in history. According to the Wikipedia article on the person responsible he wasn't a very nice man.


24,408 posts

223 months

Sunday 24th December 2023
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Perseverant said:
I find the whole "woke" business both risible and worrying. Using the Roald Dahl lark as a starting point, all of "Biggles" will be out, and most of "William" will have to go as well. I think I read that some universities have warned that plays like "Macbeth" contain violence, not to mention "Titus Andronicus" (may contain children). Fagin in "Oliver Twist" will need to be a lot less Jewish, and "The Jew of Malta" will have to be banned altogether. I know I'm being light hearted about it, but when small groups claiming that their sensibilities are at risk and don't like old fashioned or historically different material or attitudes, gaining traction for removal or grounds for censorship rather than acceptance, study, analysis and reasoned argument is academically idle and dangerous.
"Charlie and the Tofu Factory" just doesn't cut it.
Christ, I remember censoring Biggles and Just William when I was a not reading them because they were absolutely ste. Each to their own though.

Teddy Lop

8,301 posts

70 months

Sunday 24th December 2023
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Joey Deacon said:
Probably safest to just go the whole hog and burn them all. I seem to rememeber this has happened before in history. According to the Wikipedia article on the person responsible he wasn't a very nice man.
I wouldn't joke - some idiotic wokey educational people were, without a hint of irony, doing exactly this quite recently. Canada seems insane.