Jack Reacher - any good?



8,863 posts

161 months

Friday 25th November 2022
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Just finished the latest and average, still better than other recent ones though

Some of the early books are superb especially the prequels when he is in the army.


328 posts

202 months

Saturday 14th January 2023
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Davey S2 said:
Still working my way through the Covert Action series by Ross Sidor which are very good

1. Weapons Grade (2019)
2. Target Viper (2020)
3. Subversive Action (2020)
4. Rogue State (2020)
5. Gray Zone (2022)

Centered around a character called Avery who is a private military contractor who get assigned by the CIA.

Quite military based but loads of action so if you like books like the Victor the Assassin and Orphan X series then I'd highly recommend.
Just finished these. Great series of books!


17,949 posts

187 months

Saturday 21st January 2023
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Now it’s getting ridiculous


1,593 posts

53 months

Saturday 21st January 2023
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surveyor said:
Now it’s getting ridiculous

The prices of the kindle books has increased significantly over the past year or so. They're not far off the price of new paperbacks. I've got a couple of book series that I started, used to read two or three books a month, now given up on them as it's too expensive.

Stan the Bat

9,037 posts

215 months

Saturday 21st January 2023
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nordboy said:
surveyor said:
Now it’s getting ridiculous

The prices of the kindle books has increased significantly over the past year or so. They're not far off the price of new paperbacks. I've got a couple of book series that I started, used to read two or three books a month, now given up on them as it's too expensive.
They seem to appear on the Bay of Pirates evil


4,884 posts

202 months

Wednesday 25th January 2023
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Blue One said:
I have to say having just finished the latest Reacher novel that it feels like a GCSE student’s attempt at an action novel. Lee is Child-like in his writing, whereas Andrew is childlike…
For the first time ever I borrowed it from the Library instead of buying it.

Not for the first time I found it tedious and amateur (not in a sense of amateur being a virtue) and am mighty pleased not to have it wasting shelf space in my own library.

I have reached the end of my journey with Reacher and will not miss the ride in future.


13,262 posts

206 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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The new one's pretty ropey. They've always been very well written for what they are, which lifted them above all of the other very similar dross out there. Now that's gone I won't bother with any more.


26,729 posts

234 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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perdu said:
Not for the first time I found it tedious and amateur (not in a sense of amateur being a virtue) and am mighty pleased not to have it wasting shelf space in my own library.
I thought this with his last few books, the "endings" seemed to have been written by an 8 year old and got progressively worse.


17,949 posts

187 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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Monkeylegend said:
perdu said:
Not for the first time I found it tedious and amateur (not in a sense of amateur being a virtue) and am mighty pleased not to have it wasting shelf space in my own library.
I thought this with his last few books, the "endings" seemed to have been written by an 8 year old and got progressively worse.
Since his brother took over. I think he should have just killed the franchise. It's demeaning.


2,076 posts

133 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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surveyor said:
Since his brother took over. I think he should have just killed the franchise. It's demeaning.
Agree. I didn't finish the last one I started and someone has since given me a later one which I've not gone near and have no plans to.


17,111 posts

169 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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I used to consume the Jack Reacher books voraciously, and was on board from the second book, I think, going back to catch up with the first one. With my birthday in November it was an easy present for my wife to throw at me, with most of the copies on my shelf being hardbacks. Now I find myself with at least four unread Reacher novels on my shelves, and my wife stopped buying them for me. I don't think I even have the last two. To be fair I've not read any other fiction books since I stopped picking Reacher up, so it's not just the Lee Child effect. I keep promising I'll give at least the owned but unread books another try but I never feel inspired. The last thing I read was a paperback copy of the assorted Jack Reacher short stories I picked up for pennies in a charity shop, and then I only got about half way through. I think the only thing that could inspire me to pick up with reading books again right now would be re-reading Robert Mason's Chickenhawk, but my son still has my copy of that...

Mr Tidy

23,018 posts

130 months

Thursday 26th January 2023
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surveyor said:
Since his brother took over. I think he should have just killed the franchise. It's demeaning.
Definitely - just not the same. frown


11,338 posts

142 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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Fred Bump here.

Just finished No Plan B. Silly plot but we've had that before. However, Reacher has become ridiculously unstoppable and unnecessarily violent - there's a scene where he despatches one of the bad guys in a particularly gruesome fashion, where the old Reacher would have turned him over to the authorities. Also Child frere seems to forget a couple of things, he mentions early on that the female lead has a black belt in something but unlike Chekhov's Gun, it never gets fired. And she has a suitcase at one point despite joining Reacher's journey on a whim.


8,863 posts

161 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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New book out soon, a prequel which i prefer


Blue One

478 posts

182 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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Well I just finished the latest Reacher book. Sorry to say it was formulaic, not very long, hardly any plot, just like a good GCSE student’s attempt at a thriller book.

Maybe others will have a better view on it than me.


12,802 posts

213 months

Tuesday 5th December 2023
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New Jack Reacher series out on Amazon Prime.


8,863 posts

161 months

Tuesday 5th December 2023
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I thought the new book was good, the best for at least the last 5 books


12,661 posts

171 months

Tuesday 5th December 2023
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AstonZagato said:
New Jack Reacher series out on Amazon Prime.
on 15 December

I'm reading "No Plan B" at the moment. It's certainly not the best, and the quality has dropped since Lee's brother became involved, IMO.


7,687 posts

139 months

Thursday 14th December 2023
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1,015 posts

227 months

Thursday 14th December 2023
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Better than the recent books, but I don't recall Reacher using the term baby before.