Science Fiction



26,637 posts

197 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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Agreed on the variability - when they're good, they're exceptional. When they're bad... rofl

I've read pretty much all of them at one point or another, but this was a 'once in my lifetime' decision to smash through the whole lot in paperback format in release order.


8,951 posts

278 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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Sway said:
Agreed on the variability - when they're good, they're exceptional. When they're bad... rofl

I've read pretty much all of them at one point or another, but this was a 'once in my lifetime' decision to smash through the whole lot in paperback format in release order.
Think I’m up to about 18 in the Horus Heresy but I’ve also read the first few of Siege of Terra.
I found Arbitor Ian’s run down pretty accurate…


26,637 posts

197 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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Siege of Terra are all hot. Varying styles, and admittedly I'm only a little bit the way through the End and the Death vol 2 - but they've all been great.

18 in means you have options. There's whole swathes that unless you really want to, you could just skip with no impact to the wider story.


25,479 posts

195 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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Murderbot 7 is out! A great series.


13,238 posts

168 months

Tuesday 14th November 2023
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RizzoTheRat said:
Murderbot 7 is out! A great series.
Oh yes, I do like that one. Thanks for the heads up. thumbup


41,090 posts

193 months

Tuesday 12th December 2023
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DodgyGeezer said:
captain_cynic said:
DodgyGeezer said:
The Lost Fleet series may work for you. It is still accessible scifi but it does make mention of the problems of trying to fire at targets at relativistic speeds, which may or may not make things interesting. This does, from memory, fall under the Mil-fi sub-genre (if that's your bag then maybe Orphanage by Robert Buettner or Terms of Enlistment by Marko Kloos may also work)
He's already mentioned Terms of Enlistmentbiggrin

Also it looks like Kloos is writing another novel in the Frontlines universe called Scorpio

Kloos other series, The Paladium Wars is also quite good, looks like Book 4 is being written (3 kind of left a lot of unanswered questions).

Other Mil-Fi I'd recommend, The Expeditionary Force series - Craig Alanson and the Old Mans War series by John Scalzi.
Oops frown

I also recall Falkenberg's Legion Series as being rather good and I'm sure I've read the 'prequels' Janissary (Jerry Pournelle and assorted coauthors, including Larry Niven)
well a quick follow-up to Jerry Pournelle... I tried getting Falkenburg's Legion at a reasonable (to me) price to no avail but I did manage to snag:

Lord of Janissaries

which is an omnibus edition. Just started reading it and came across the following (you have to remember it was written in 1979):
"...All around the upper parts of the compartment were screens like TV sets, but thin..."



6 posts

30 months

Monday 1st January
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I’m working my way through The Sun Eater series by Christopher Ruocchio. The first book, Empire of Silence, was absolutely brilliant. I’m not a fast reader but I got through it pretty quickly as I found the writing style to be superb and it drew me along.

YouTube reviews of the second in the series, Howling Dark, said the writing got even better, although I do say I preferred the first in the series. Having said that, I’ve just finished Howling Dark and it ended so well it made me want to go straight into the third book. I’ll take a break though as I have a pile of books from Christmas to get through. Then again…


6 posts

8 months

Monday 1st January
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Haven't read the whole thread so apologies if this has already been recommended. James Blish's "Cities in Flight" novels, proper SF.


4,462 posts

81 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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son-of-alf said:
Haven't read the whole thread so apologies if this has already been recommended. James Blish's "Cities in Flight" novels, proper SF.
I first encountered this series in the short story "The Bridge" which is part of "They Shall Have Stars". It introduced me to ice's phases, and that phase diagrams could have more than just solid, liquid and gaseous. From that I first read about allotropes.


11,289 posts

200 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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xeny said:
I first encountered this series in the short story "The Bridge" which is part of "They Shall Have Stars". It introduced me to ice's phases, and that phase diagrams could have more than just solid, liquid and gaseous. From that I first read about allotropes.
Hello. Are you named after Xenophobe in Use of Weapons? If so - nice choice thumbup

Baron Greenback

7,082 posts

153 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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DibblyDobbler said:
xeny said:
I first encountered this series in the short story "The Bridge" which is part of "They Shall Have Stars". It introduced me to ice's phases, and that phase diagrams could have more than just solid, liquid and gaseous. From that I first read about allotropes.
Hello. Are you named after Xenophobe in Use of Weapons? If so - nice choice thumbup
Use of weapons my fav book of Bank rip


11,289 posts

200 months

Tuesday 2nd January
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Baron Greenback said:
DibblyDobbler said:
xeny said:
I first encountered this series in the short story "The Bridge" which is part of "They Shall Have Stars". It introduced me to ice's phases, and that phase diagrams could have more than just solid, liquid and gaseous. From that I first read about allotropes.
Hello. Are you named after Xenophobe in Use of Weapons? If so - nice choice thumbup
Use of weapons my fav book of Bank rip
Hi Baron - yes me too although I love them all obviously (ahem well not Feersum Endjinn paperbag)


9,225 posts

260 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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DibblyDobbler said:
Hi Baron - yes me too although I love them all obviously (ahem well not Feersum Endjinn paperbag)
It's a wonderful audiobook!


11,289 posts

200 months

Wednesday 3rd January
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Mannginger said:
It's a wonderful audiobook!
Never thought of that! I might give it another go - it’s the only one I’ve read just once and it was a long time ago…


4,692 posts

153 months

Saturday 13th January
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Ring of galaxies discovered.

It's the Xeelee constructing Bolder's Ring.


4,022 posts

256 months

Saturday 13th January
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DibblyDobbler said:
Mannginger said:
It's a wonderful audiobook!
Never thought of that! I might give it another go - it’s the only one I’ve read just once and it was a long time ago…
Cracking idea, think I might try that, it's the only Banks book I've not read yet.


14,342 posts

200 months

Saturday 13th January
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I'm actually rereading Consider Phlebas for the first time since high school when I was told of this up & coming SciFi author from Fife. If was my first Culture novel and I didn't really know what to make if it. It didn't occur to me that I was seeing it from an outsiders POV (my next book was Look To Windwards, which also didn't help with my WTFery!)

Having since read them all I can enjoy it almost as a new book. The hints are all there in the first few chapters that the Idirians have really bitten off a lot more than they will ever be able to chew, but the protagonist is as deluded as the rest of them as was I on my teenage first read. It's a joy!


11,289 posts

200 months

Saturday 13th January
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Grey_Area said:
DibblyDobbler said:
Mannginger said:
It's a wonderful audiobook!
Never thought of that! I might give it another go - it’s the only one I’ve read just once and it was a long time ago…
Cracking idea, think I might try that, it's the only Banks book I've not read yet.
Another Banks ship name?! Why didn't I think of that! heheclap

From Excession right?


11,289 posts

200 months

Saturday 13th January
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glazbagun said:
I'm actually rereading Consider Phlebas for the first time since high school when I was told of this up & coming SciFi author from Fife. If was my first Culture novel and I didn't really know what to make if it. It didn't occur to me that I was seeing it from an outsiders POV (my next book was Look To Windwards, which also didn't help with my WTFery!)

Having since read them all I can enjoy it almost as a new book. The hints are all there in the first few chapters that the Idirians have really bitten off a lot more than they will ever be able to chew, but the protagonist is as deluded as the rest of them as was I on my teenage first read. It's a joy!
Absolute belter - probably my second favorite after Use of Weapons clap


4,022 posts

256 months

Saturday 13th January
quotequote all
DibblyDobbler said:
Grey_Area said:
DibblyDobbler said:
Mannginger said:
It's a wonderful audiobook!
Never thought of that! I might give it another go - it’s the only one I’ve read just once and it was a long time ago…
Cracking idea, think I might try that, it's the only Banks book I've not read yet.
Another Banks ship name?! Why didn't I think of that! heheclap

From Excession right?
Absolutely beer