Books - What are you reading?

Books - What are you reading?



11,621 posts

270 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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ApexJimi said:
Don said:
ApexJimi said:
As for the Twilight shyte, jaysus. How any adult can read this angst-ridden pish is beyond me.
Try "Let The Right One In" for an excellent, modern take on a Vampire story.
Actually, this year I have also read Bram Stoker's Dracula & The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova (which does provide a lot of detail as to the mythology)
Excellent take on the vampire mythos is the Ann Rice stuff. Start with Interview with the Vampire and read them in order...



17,331 posts

263 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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ErnestM said:
ApexJimi said:
Don said:
ApexJimi said:
As for the Twilight shyte, jaysus. How any adult can read this angst-ridden pish is beyond me.
Try "Let The Right One In" for an excellent, modern take on a Vampire story.
Actually, this year I have also read Bram Stoker's Dracula & The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova (which does provide a lot of detail as to the mythology)
Excellent take on the vampire mythos is the Ann Rice stuff. Start with Interview with the Vampire and read them in order...

Dated, cliched and sooo up their own a4se though.


25,201 posts

246 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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Have you read The Historian, Ernest / Rich / Don?


28,377 posts

287 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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ApexJimi said:
Have you read The Historian, Ernest / Rich / Don?
Not yet. I have it, though, and will get to it once I've finished the Glass Books of the Dream Eaters...

evil len

4,398 posts

272 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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326 posts

204 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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ApexJimi said:
Currently reading One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, by Ken Kesey
Just finished "Hell's Angels" by Hunter S. Thompson.

Ken Kesey appears in this towards the end. What a bizarre character he was !


1,497 posts

186 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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An international perspective of psychology
Statistics without maths for psychology
lots of other text books...what fun

I finished the tenth circle by Jodi Picoult last week, it was really good smile


713 posts

216 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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and Stirling Moss - Eighty cars for Eighty years


11,621 posts

270 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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ApexJimi said:
Have you read The Historian, Ernest / Rich / Don?
On my list...



3,009 posts

230 months

Thursday 22nd October 2009
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I'd like to resurrect this one if I might. I've just finished reading 'Berlin' by Antony Beevor for the second time.

What a bloody cracking read that is. Finished it in 2 weeks which is quite good for me. I loved it. Full of the desperation that the German Army and Berlin citizens had dragged themselves into and the pain being inflicted on them by the murderous whirlwind that was the Red Army. It is quite simply spectacular and at times quite surreal.

It just seemed so hard to put down, I was gripped.

I'd like to draw your attention to the content if I might:

In the Schultheiss brewery that morning, a young Luftwaffe flak helper asked what was going on when he heard shots. "Come round to the back" a commrade said to him. "The SS are shooting have to watch".

Recommended. thumbup


2,390 posts

282 months

Thursday 22nd October 2009
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Eric Mc

122,392 posts

268 months

Friday 23rd October 2009
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"The Pope's Children" - by David McWilliams. Written in 2005/6, it looks at the overheated state of the Irish economy at the time and tries to predict when it was all going to go pop. Very perceptive.

"Swordfish" - by David Wragg. Th3e story of the Fleet Air Arm's raid on the Italian fleet at Taranto.

"An Ordinary Soldier" by Doug Beattie. An Irish soldier's (Royal Irish Rangers) account of his experiences in Afghanistan.


8,783 posts

232 months

Friday 23rd October 2009
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Just finished 'Rise of Endymion'.

Not sure what to move onto next, might pick up 'against a dark background' (Iain M Banks) again, but couldn't get into it..


8,783 posts

232 months

Friday 23rd October 2009
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Galileo said:
cottonfoo said:
Speaker for the Dead.
I hope you read "Enders Game" first?
Another book i had to put down for some reason.. Went off and read the shadow series instead..


3,139 posts

208 months

Wednesday 4th November 2009
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Help me to find Cormac Mccarthy's Suttree in electronic form. I can't find it here in Russia and i can't either find it on the internet. I'll be happy if i find it.


14,108 posts

212 months

Wednesday 4th November 2009
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I'm now reading 'And Another Thing...', the sixth installment of the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy series. I was a huge fan of Douglas Adams and was a little adament about buying this book but I though it only right to give it a chance.

I'm up to chapter 5 now and I can say that although it is definitely not an Adams book, Eoin Colfer has actually done a good job. I'm enjoying it a lot.

If you liked the first five parts of the trilogy, I think you should give this one a chance.


Edited to add pic of book:

Edited by bob1179 on Wednesday 4th November 07:26


15,366 posts

239 months

Wednesday 4th November 2009
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Just finished The Diceman, by Luke Rhinehart, which I very much enjoyed. Reading Tall Stories, by Tom Holt at the moment, which is funny in places but I'm getting very sick of now.

Yesterday I got a copy of Traveler's Tales, Thailand which I'm excited about. I read the Hong Kong one and really enjoyed it. If you like travel writing the Traveler's Tales books are well worth reading. A collection of essays about different aspects of the country, and some useful travel information too, but without the irritating tttishness of Lonely Tosser Planet type books.


6,995 posts

191 months

Wednesday 4th November 2009
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ErnestM said:
ApexJimi said:
Have you read The Historian, Ernest / Rich / Don?
On my list...

I've read this, good book...found the begining easier but well worth sticking with. Some of the descriptions of landscapes (especially in Eastern Europe) are fantastic, in that sense it reminded me of travel literature.

At the mo i'm reading The Lighthouse (PD James) and A Peoples Tragedy (Orlando Figes)Just finished Fire Ice by Clive Cussler, love his books.


28,377 posts

287 months

Wednesday 4th November 2009
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theironduke said:
ErnestM said:
ApexJimi said:
Have you read The Historian, Ernest / Rich / Don?
On my list...

I've read this, good book...found the begining easier but well worth sticking with. Some of the descriptions of landscapes (especially in Eastern Europe) are fantastic, in that sense it reminded me of travel literature.

At the mo i'm reading The Lighthouse (PD James) and A Peoples Tragedy (Orlando Figes)Just finished Fire Ice by Clive Cussler, love his books.
I am now nine chapters into "The Historian". Nicely done so far. Very interesting narrative structure, four levels deep! (So far)


3,494 posts

224 months

Wednesday 4th November 2009
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Fantastic. Loved the film, this just has even more to it!