Books - What are you reading?

Books - What are you reading?


King Herald

23,501 posts

219 months

Wednesday 7th October 2009
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snowy slopes said:
After finishing making money by terry pratchett, i was having a mooch through the old fella's bookcase when visiting him recently, and picked up the following tome

Shibumi by robert ludlum(i think, the spine is fubar)

Just looked it up on wikipedia and its by trevanian not ludlum, D'oh!
Shibumi, one of my favourite all time books.

Pillars of the Earth is a close second.

Famous Graham

26,553 posts

228 months

Wednesday 7th October 2009
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jp1982 said:
"Sink the Belgrano" by Mike Rossiter.
Read that recently - good stuff. Now I've read that and "Vulcan 607", I'm looking for an army perspective of the Falklands. Anyone any reccs?

Now I'm halfway through "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". Good so far, but not quite sure what all the fuss is about (everyone raves about it).

Oh, and I read Irvine Welsh's "Crime" recently too - a bit hard going (the subject matter rather than the writing) but excellent nonetheless.


1,029 posts

204 months

Wednesday 7th October 2009
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re-reading Good Omens, can't find anything else i like at the moment. I might try Papillon later, apparently it's quite good.


11,289 posts

200 months

Wednesday 7th October 2009
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hairykrishna said:
dmitsi said:
I'm reading Quicksilver - Neal Stephenson.
It's quite interesting, all about natural philosophy emerging in pleace of religious beliefs. Main charater is the son of a puritan, he has moved away from religion towards science: His friendship with Newton and looks at society in general. Covers some major events in 17th century Britain and the early settlers in America. So far very well written, only a 1/4 through but it's going quickly.
I didn't much like Quicksilver but in general I'm a big Stephenson fan. Cryptonomicon and Anathem are great.
I'm half way through Cryptonomicon (on the back of recommendations in another thread about good quality sci-fi (even though it isn't !)) and finding it fascinating if a little plot-less ? Cracking read though and thanks to those who suggested it thumbup


23,563 posts

239 months

Wednesday 7th October 2009
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Its book heaven currently!

Just in the last 3 weeks?
Dan Brown - The Lost Symbol
The latest Stella Rimmington "Liz Carlyle" novel

This week:
Steig Larrson - The Girl Who Kicked Over a Hornets Nest
PTerry - UNseen Academicals
Bernard Cornwall - Burning Land.


267 posts

199 months

Wednesday 7th October 2009
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Today I bought:
Oscar Wilde - A Picture of Dorian Grey
Kate Morton - The House at Riverton
C J Sansom - Dissolution, Dark Fire, and Sovereign.

I was very restrained.


505 posts

191 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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Azingcort-Bernard Cornwell. Reading a lot lately and couldn't put it down. One of the best books I've ever read.

Thought I'd continue with the historical stuff and am now on Pillars of the Earth-Ken Follett. Great too.


12,955 posts

235 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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Nightmare said:
hehe reminds me i need to award you a prize from my competition.....
A prize?... tell me more!

And in keeping with the thread, just ordered The Death of Bunny Munro.


3,961 posts

230 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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Just started Vulcan 607, enjoying it so far.


687 posts

186 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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The Godfather, its class.
Also Golf is not a game of perfect by Dr Bob Roetella.

The Legend mk 2

99 posts

181 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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Stephanie Meyer - New Moon

Just finished reading Twilight by the same author and I think these book are really good.


3,494 posts

224 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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17,331 posts

263 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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The Legend mk 2 said:
Stephanie Meyer - New Moon

Just finished reading Twilight by the same author and I think these book are really good.


13,473 posts

247 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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remedy said:
I'm in a 'Vietnam' learning mode at the moment and have ploughed through:

13 Cent Snipers - Very very good
Chickenhawk - Brilliant

Currently devouring 'Vietnam - The definitive oral history'- different to the other two as it's written from all sides (not just both either) so gives an incredible and profound perspective of the war

Up next is Marine Sniper, 93 confirmed kills
All good books. But you really must read Flying Through Midnight. It's incredible.

I'm just started Apache for something a bit more up to date and British!


6,299 posts

182 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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After hearing Charlie Higson doing the rounds to plug his new book The Enemy I was hypnotised enough to go buy it!

Excellent even though its a kids book. Lead me onto his other books and have just finished Happy Now.

Had no idea he was an author (apart from the kid Bond stuff). Weird but good.


25,201 posts

246 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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rich1231 said:
The Legend mk 2 said:
Stephanie Meyer - New Moon

Just finished reading Twilight by the same author and I think these book are really good.
Alrighty chief!

As for the Twilight shyte, jaysus. How any adult can read this angst-ridden pish is beyond me.

Books I've recently read -

Steig Larsson's Millenium Trilogy (just bought the final yesterday)

Devil May Care, By Sebastian Faulks (writing as Ian Fleming)

Currently reading One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, by Ken Kesey

Edited by ApexJimi on Thursday 8th October 10:21


28,377 posts

287 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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ApexJimi said:
As for the Twilight shyte, jaysus. How any adult can read this angst-ridden pish is beyond me.
Try "Let The Right One In" for an excellent, modern take on a Vampire story.


25,201 posts

246 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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Don said:
ApexJimi said:
As for the Twilight shyte, jaysus. How any adult can read this angst-ridden pish is beyond me.
Try "Let The Right One In" for an excellent, modern take on a Vampire story.
Actually, this year I have also read Bram Stoker's Dracula & The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova (which does provide a lot of detail as to the mythology)


2,502 posts

218 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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M5jimmy said:
'Sled driver' by Brian Shul

A pilot of a blackbird remembering what it was like to fly such an amazing plane. Some stunning photos in the book aswell

I've ben trying to find a copy of that book with no success, where did you get it from?

I'm off on holidy next month, in need of some inspiration as to what books to take. 2 weeks sitting in the sunshine doing phuck all means I need about 10 books, so I need a bit of a mix to keep me entertained. Will read just about anything, but if it's fiction it has to have a resonable story to it.

Any suggestions?


25,201 posts

246 months

Thursday 8th October 2009
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"plus one" here - I'd love to read Sled Driver yes

Although, by all accounts it changes hands for silly money....