Westfalia hot water system



Original Poster:

3 posts

3 months

Thursday 25th April
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Hi there I have just purchased a Kepler One and I cannot seem to get to grips with the hot water system .
I have turned water and LPG on I have pressed Aux and turned the hot water on to 50 just to-try .
Now mine has been converted to LPG for cooking and hot water so I don’t have to worry about bottles and just fill up at a gas station that does it .
I was told the water was done off the LPG in which case the mains power shouldn’t be needed but even if it was off leisure battery it’s fully charged but I’m getting nowhere .
I’ve now plugged it in in garage and trying it that way but surely the point of this is to use it off grid !!!
Can anyone help please .


Original Poster:

3 posts

3 months

Friday 26th April
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When I turn water heater on it has a red light but I think this isn’t good . Actually I know have a problem with the gas as I since I filled it yesterday it’s stopped working . I need to sort this I out first but thanks for reply . This is supposed to be fun