Picking up a Folding camper today

Picking up a Folding camper today



Original Poster:

11,956 posts

281 months

Sunday 20th September 2015
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Does anyone have any hints or tips for folding campers?

Any experiences they wish to share?

It's a Pennine Pathfinder if anyone is interested biggrin


53 posts

174 months

Tuesday 22nd September 2015
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Is it a new one?

Don't leave it packed away for long wet if not the canvas will rot. check obvious trailer stuff, lights and tyres age of tyres

if using the awning. top tip I find easiest is zip awning to main unit then put poles up underneath, tension then peg.

and use an electric blanket on the beds smile with a duvet it is very cozy


Original Poster:

11,956 posts

281 months

Tuesday 22nd September 2015
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Nah it's an older one. It's a 2000. Everything seems to work which is nice, couple of very small canvas marks but that about it. Tows like a dream, no weave or anything.

Just got to decide if I invest in a satellite dish or normal aerial.

And yes, most certainly thinking of an electric blanket!