Wild camping



9,038 posts

119 months

Monday 8th July 2019
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NuckyThompson said:
hoping to do a couple nights in snowdon the end of this month.

Any advice on essentials to carry as this will be my first wildcamp? Looking forward to a trip just me and the dog as we've just had a newborn and he's not number one anymore.
Trowel, paper and antibac gel...

Although if you actually mean Snowdon rather than Snowdonia you can probably sort a route that gives you a stop at Pen-y-pass smile

Edited by silentbrown on Tuesday 9th July 18:32


Original Poster:

12,056 posts

172 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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NuckyThompson said:
hoping to do a couple nights in snowdon the end of this month.

Any advice on essentials to carry as this will be my first wildcamp? Looking forward to a trip just me and the dog as we've just had a newborn and he's not number one anymore.
Something to sleep in (bag), something to sleep on (mat), something to sleep under (tent or tarp).

Food & water, stove to heat them on & some spare undies & possibly a change of clothing.
A headtorch is useful as is a small light to hang in your shelter.
An inflatable pillow is nice or use your clothes folded up.
Map & compass obviously!

And a camera of course, we will require photos!


31,608 posts

256 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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I'd suggest getting a tarp and hammock and learning how to put them up in a few different ways.

A much nicer experience than sleeping in a tent. Especially waking up and being able to see where you are.


Original Poster:

12,056 posts

172 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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SpeckledJim said:
I'd suggest getting a tarp and hammock and learning how to put them up in a few different ways.

A much nicer experience than sleeping in a tent. Especially waking up and being able to see where you are.
Depends where you are, Dartmoor for instance does not have many trees!

Tyre Smoke

23,018 posts

264 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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Small point of order Murci, isn't wild camping or Dartmoor or Exmoor illegal?


31,608 posts

256 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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Tyre Smoke said:
Small point of order Murci, isn't wild camping or Dartmoor or Exmoor illegal?
Yes, but as long as you're sensible, essentially nobody will even know you're there.

Tyre Smoke

23,018 posts

264 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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Oh, i get that. I wasn't disapproving at all.

As long as you are sensible and not abusive of the moor, it shouldn't ever be a problem. It's when you get stag parties with cans and cans of beer and barbecues, leaving tons of rubbish and destruction in their wake.

One tent, a small stove and nothing left behind, where's the harm?


29,463 posts

282 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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All legal here (Highland Scotland), and millions of places. Though Summer is the worst time, wet and midges.

The only thing is, when it IS dry, open fires tend to turn into wild fires here killing an entire generation of ground nesting birds, so don't!

Humble Pi

8,877 posts

190 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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Are Jetboilers generally regarded as the best stoves for heating water?


5,682 posts

81 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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SpeckledJim said:
Tyre Smoke said:
Small point of order Murci, isn't wild camping or Dartmoor or Exmoor illegal?
Yes, but as long as you're sensible, essentially nobody will even know you're there.
Wild camping is legal in lots of parts of Dartmoor.

Here are the allowable areas.


Not Dartmoor, but I'm out from Thursday for a few days with my daughter on the Brecon Beacons. So far the forecast is looking pretty good.

Edited by sas62 on Tuesday 9th July 14:29


3,981 posts

190 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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NuckyThompson said:
hoping to do a couple nights in snowdon the end of this month.

Any advice on essentials to carry as this will be my first wildcamp? Looking forward to a trip just me and the dog as we've just had a newborn and he's not number one anymore.
Everyone on their first wildcamp takes far too much stuff.
Looking back I didn't use half the stuff I took.

Invest in a water filter like a Sawyer Mini. Saves so much space and weight. Obviously you need to ensure there is a water source nearby.
Thermal clothing is good.
Head torch
Toilet paper - essential.

Have a couple of my recent camps.....


1,636 posts

171 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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Tent and sleeping mat are sorted as they were gifts from the missus aster we had the baby. Well either a gift or a message haha.

Already got a head torch, power bank for the phone.

Could do with recommendations for lightweight stove and cooking gear. A water filter hadn’t crossed my mind so that would be useful too. Will be sticking as close to water sources as I can as i’ll Have the dog with me.

Wanting to do tryfan area of snowdon one day and perhaps somewhere slightly more rural the next. Want to set up camp somewhere where I’m not going to have many if any walkers passing me first thing in the morning.


9,038 posts

119 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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NuckyThompson said:
Wanting to do tryfan area of snowdon one day and perhaps somewhere slightly more rural the next. Want to set up camp somewhere where I’m not going to have many if any walkers passing me first thing in the morning.
Tryfan? Here's my last one. On the Glyderau below Foel Goch.

Basically, take what you'd need on a day walk, plus.

  • Shelter/Sleep : Bag, tent, mat
  • Food/Drink : As much food as you'll need. If hot food and drink is essential to you, take a stove. Jetboils are great for drinks, typically less good for other stuff. I've used a Primus Eta Express stove for a few years now.
  • Poo: Trowel, paper, antibac gel, and "Learn how to st in the woods!". I use one of these trowels. Good compromise between strength and weight. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Coghlans-Back-Packers-Tro... You're basically cutting turf to dig a poop hole anywhere in Wales, so needs to be strong.
Extras : Spare pair of socks - nothing nicer than putting clean socks on in the tent. Ultralight towel, a wee dram, and spare torch.

As long as you camp away from paths, above the highest wall, pitch late and leave early you're really unlilkely to meet another soul. Finding a flat pitch is always bit of a challenge though, and the higher you go the less chance of finding water, so be prepared to carry what you need.

Oh, and make your your nav skills are up to scratch. It can be glorious weather at sunset, but you'll often wake up to almost zero visibility!

Edited by silentbrown on Tuesday 9th July 19:07


Original Poster:

12,056 posts

172 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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sas62 said:
SpeckledJim said:
Tyre Smoke said:
Small point of order Murci, isn't wild camping or Dartmoor or Exmoor illegal?
Yes, but as long as you're sensible, essentially nobody will even know you're there.
Wild camping is legal in lots of parts of Dartmoor.

Here are the allowable areas.


Not Dartmoor, but I'm out from Thursday for a few days with my daughter on the Brecon Beacons. So far the forecast is looking pretty good.

Edited by sas62 on Tuesday 9th July 14:29
Mant parts of Dartmoor (as above) are the only parts of England & Wales where wild camping IS permitted. Lucky for those of us who live so close!

Bought a Sawyer filter a couple of years ago & have never used it, we have camped by a river & boiled water.

Not had chance to get out yet this year frown . Hoping to change that very soon, thinking a covert beach camp maybe.


5,728 posts

145 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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Trying to persuade my partner for the last 12 months to do some wild camping together. She's put off by not having facilities nearby. I've explained to her the point of wild camping is to be away somewhere beautiful, away from any "facilities".

How can I win her over?

I did ask if maybe its something I should do without her now and then, that went down well...


9,038 posts

119 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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LordHaveMurci said:
Mant parts of Dartmoor (as above) are the only parts of England & Wales where wild camping IS permitted.
You have a legal right to camp in those areas of Dartmoor, but you're "permitted" to do it anywhere, with landowner's permission. Even without explicit permission it's widely tolerated in mountainous areas of England and Wales, and is a significant part of the UK Mountain Leader training scheme.

Lake District NPA say this, for example. "...there is a tradition of wild camping in the Lake District."


Landowners can move you on, but I've never heard of that happening to anyone behaving sensibly.


2,354 posts

196 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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danllama said:
Trying to persuade my partner for the last 12 months to do some wild camping together. She's put off by not having facilities nearby. I've explained to her the point of wild camping is to be away somewhere beautiful, away from any "facilities".

How can I win her over?

I did ask if maybe its something I should do without her now and then, that went down well...
She doesn't want to go with you but won't let you go by yourself? Is she 14?


9,038 posts

119 months

Tuesday 9th July 2019
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danllama said:
Trying to persuade my partner for the last 12 months to do some wild camping together. She's put off by not having facilities nearby. I've explained to her the point of wild camping is to be away somewhere beautiful, away from any "facilities".

How can I win her over?
Take her on an evening walk and get comprehensively lost around sunset? "Thank goodness I remembered to put a tent, two sleeping bags, etc.,etc. in my pack, just in case of emergencies"

If you're both already happy spending long days hillwalking of the beaten track then wild camping isn't a big step. So aim for that first...

Tyre Smoke

23,018 posts

264 months

Wednesday 10th July 2019
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WilliamWoollard said:
danllama said:
Trying to persuade my partner for the last 12 months to do some wild camping together. She's put off by not having facilities nearby. I've explained to her the point of wild camping is to be away somewhere beautiful, away from any "facilities".

How can I win her over?

I did ask if maybe its something I should do without her now and then, that went down well...
She doesn't want to go with you but won't let you go by yourself? Is she 14?
This. How pussy whipped are you exactly?

Do you need her approval for absolutely everything you do? Or are you joined at the hip?


3,981 posts

190 months

Wednesday 10th July 2019
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Steady on lads....it's the first question most women ask.

Just go it alone. I often venture out on a work night and am back early for work. No drama.

Tell her it's good for your mental well-being.