Van hunting



Original Poster:

174 posts

220 months

Thursday 15th March 2012
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The time has come when we need a van. We do lots of chilli shows around the country and my crv is just not up to the job, even with a roofbox and trailer.

We've finally got the list of possibles down to two types
Toyota Hiace Powervan
Volkswagen Transporter

They are both slightly larger than a connect/expert but smaller than a transit which is fine for us as it will double as my every day transport.

Does anyone have any experience of either. Our budget is pretty tight - about £2700. This will get us a X/Y reg Powervan but only a N/P reg Transporter.

We need something with a bit of grunt.

Anyone have experience of either? My heart says Transporter but my head says Powervan.



Original Poster:

174 posts

220 months

Thursday 15th March 2012
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We live in Devon. There will be nothing around London. Thanks


Original Poster:

174 posts

220 months

Thursday 15th March 2012
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Cheers. Will look into it. I wondered what LEZ was!!


Original Poster:

174 posts

220 months

Thursday 15th March 2012
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I like the caddy but it is a bit small unfortunately.