The niggles of life of the road

The niggles of life of the road



Original Poster:

8,880 posts

186 months

Wednesday 14th March 2012
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I find that I get annoyed by third party interferance in my job, the VOSA man and the Government are the worst offenders, the tiny differences they make to my driving day all add up.

Post up your pet hates, not the usual MLM ones we all know about those but the niggles that are put in the way by the berks in suits who will never know what we do.

I will kick off with a few of mine.

The new EU spec wider angle kerbing mirrors are hopeless, I can see less in them than I could out of the old spec mirrors that have been on the Lorrys since I was a boy.

Traffic calming that is too narrow or so badly designed you cannot get a lorry through them without either clipping a kerb or taking a shunt at it.

7.5ton weight limits just for the sake of them.

Speed bumps that are at an angle across the road so you get 4 bumps that set up a bad sway/wobble and cause the crap shrinkwrapped pallets to fall over or come apart before you are even out of the yard.


Original Poster:

8,880 posts

186 months

Friday 16th March 2012
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One for central London, The way that the one way streets are ALWAYS no entry from where you are and so therefore you have to go 3 miles around the city to get to the other end of the street you need to deliver to despite the fact that you could see the address from the cab when you were not allowed to turn left into the street, Also combined with the no stopping signs so you cannot hop out and deliver to the address once you get there.

How anyone runs a shop in London is beyond me.


Original Poster:

8,880 posts

186 months

Thursday 22nd March 2012
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"I will only be 5 minutes" says the doddering old dear when challenged * by me as she walks away from her Diahatsu Placenta, said dreadful car was 2 feet from the kerb at the back and on the kerb at the front, parked on a bend right at the narrowest part of the road.

No way to get the wagon past at all, queue behind blamed me, horns etc.


  • challenged = "oy, you can't park that there"