The niggles of life of the road

The niggles of life of the road



Original Poster:

8,893 posts

186 months

Wednesday 14th March 2012
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I find that I get annoyed by third party interferance in my job, the VOSA man and the Government are the worst offenders, the tiny differences they make to my driving day all add up.

Post up your pet hates, not the usual MLM ones we all know about those but the niggles that are put in the way by the berks in suits who will never know what we do.

I will kick off with a few of mine.

The new EU spec wider angle kerbing mirrors are hopeless, I can see less in them than I could out of the old spec mirrors that have been on the Lorrys since I was a boy.

Traffic calming that is too narrow or so badly designed you cannot get a lorry through them without either clipping a kerb or taking a shunt at it.

7.5ton weight limits just for the sake of them.

Speed bumps that are at an angle across the road so you get 4 bumps that set up a bad sway/wobble and cause the crap shrinkwrapped pallets to fall over or come apart before you are even out of the yard.

Life Saab Itch

37,068 posts

191 months

Wednesday 14th March 2012
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Warehouse workers who don't know how to use shrinkwrap properly.

The poppet behind the desk at Tesco Lichfield who shouts out "Drive', your load's ready." to a room full of about 30 drivers.

I have never been stopped by VOSA...yet.


19,910 posts

193 months

Wednesday 14th March 2012
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Getragdogleg said:
7.5ton weight limits just for the sake of them.
Wherever NIMBYs want them! My particular gripe is that theyre commonly introduced now simply to stop HGVs from using the road, because residents or people with vested interests have complained, not because there is a real safety or suitability issue.

Eventually therell be nowhere left to drive.

Group N

906 posts

206 months

Wednesday 14th March 2012
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Getting up at stupid o clock everyday.

I`d love a 9 - 5 truck driving job.

That`d be am - pm smile


5,189 posts

225 months

Thursday 15th March 2012
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According to Mr Speedy, the main gripe of his is the suicide car driver, they come in three forms

1, have to race down the slip road to force their way in front of the lorry already on the road, had a car come a cropper doing this to him.

2. have to move from lane 3 to the slip lane on the 200 yard marker.

3. have to overtake the big scary lorry, pull right in front of the aforementioned lorry and then anchor on down to 45, and wonders why the lorry suddenly gets very big in the mirror.

Life Saab Itch

37,068 posts

191 months

Thursday 15th March 2012
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speedchick said:
According to Mr Speedy, the main gripe of his is the suicide car driver, they come in three forms

1, have to race down the slip road to force their way in front of the lorry already on the road, had a car come a cropper doing this to him.

2. have to move from lane 3 to the slip lane on the 200 yard marker.

3. have to overtake the big scary lorry, pull right in front of the aforementioned lorry and then anchor on down to 45, and wonders why the lorry suddenly gets very big in the mirror.
I'm afraid he missed number 4 which is by far the most prolific and imho dangerous.

4. Person who comes down the sliproad like a bat out of hell with about 10 car lengths between their rear and your front end, then they look in their offside wing mirror, see a lorry and slam on the anchors until virtually at a stop. By this point they are usually halfway off the sliproad and on to the inside lane of the m/way or d/c that you're on.

It's usually a Citroen Picasso. It goes without saying that they're driven by poor sighted people with poor judgement, else they wouldn't have bought the ugliest french car ever.


8,853 posts

270 months

Thursday 15th March 2012
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fking spactards who dawdle along at 50mph in lane 1 and then indicate at the last possible second as they leave the motorway and go down the slip road. Start indicating at the start of the count down markers you knobs (then I can nip round and get off before you ;-) ).


2,579 posts

153 months

Thursday 15th March 2012
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Security gate house staff that have forgotten the meaning of the words polite,manners and respect.
Amazing the look on their faces after they have spoken to you like you're a piece of st and they get some attitude back.Almost like they don't expect to get it back and how dare you..

I can think of quite a few places that have staff on the gate like this.

iva cosworth

44,044 posts

166 months

Thursday 15th March 2012
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GC8 said:
Getragdogleg said:
7.5ton weight limits just for the sake of them.
Wherever NIMBYs want them! My particular gripe is that theyre commonly introduced now simply to stop HGVs from using the road, because residents or people with vested interests have complained, not because there is a real safety or suitability issue.

Eventually therell be nowhere left to drive.
Related to this...."Unsuitable for HGVs/large vehicles" when there is absolutely no

reason for it.I will list 2 i know of.

1.Hayes Middlesex.Dawley road,nothing restrictive whatsoever about it.

2.Tunbridge Wells.Don't know name of it but it goes between High Brooms and the town.

It is a bus route and there is a fair bit of parking but i use it all the time i need to.

Cock Womble 7

29,908 posts

233 months

Friday 16th March 2012
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Life Saab Itch said:
"Drive', your load's ready."
I hate being called "Driver" or, even worse, "Drive".


Original Poster:

8,893 posts

186 months

Friday 16th March 2012
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One for central London, The way that the one way streets are ALWAYS no entry from where you are and so therefore you have to go 3 miles around the city to get to the other end of the street you need to deliver to despite the fact that you could see the address from the cab when you were not allowed to turn left into the street, Also combined with the no stopping signs so you cannot hop out and deliver to the address once you get there.

How anyone runs a shop in London is beyond me.

One Amp Andy

1,462 posts

193 months

Friday 16th March 2012
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Cock Womble 7 said:
I hate being called "Driver" or, even worse, "Drive".
fking winds me up that.

Cock Womble 7

29,908 posts

233 months

Friday 16th March 2012
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One Amp Andy said:
Cock Womble 7 said:
I hate being called "Driver" or, even worse, "Drive".
fking winds me up that.
I wonder how other professions would react to being called by what they do?

"All right Drive? Just drop your trailer over there."

"OK, lazy fork-lift monkey, I'll drop my trailer over there."

One Amp Andy

1,462 posts

193 months

Friday 16th March 2012
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Cock Womble 7 said:
I wonder how other professions would react to being called by what they do?

"All right Drive? Just drop your trailer over there."

"OK, lazy fork-lift monkey, I'll drop my trailer over there."
I do call one of our 'transport supervisors' by what he does. Fcensoredk-up is his name. He's also known as 'The Gimp' by almost everyone else in the transport department. A very well liked individual, as I'm sure you can tell.

One Amp Andy

1,462 posts

193 months

Friday 16th March 2012
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Panda76 said:
Security gate house staff that have forgotten the meaning of the words polite,manners and respect.
Amazing the look on their faces after they have spoken to you like you're a piece of st and they get some attitude back.Almost like they don't expect to get it back and how dare you..

I can think of quite a few places that have staff on the gate like this.
I particularly like the gatehouse bell ends who think they run the whole company.Some of the things that seem to excite them are:

Speeding in the yard:
" You could have killed someone! You treat our yard like a racetrack! I'll have you banned from our site".

"It's 4am, all your lots trucks are out, there is no one even in your vast yard, and I was hurtling around at fifteen miles per hour".

Banging my tank:
"You can't bang your tank here."

"With which other method do you suggest I use to get YOUR companies stuff out of it? I'll use the vibrator then <snigger>?"

"You can't use either, I'll have you banned off site"

"Oh fk off"
Drive to the gate....
"You're not allowed back in here for threatening behaviour, you're banned off site"


17,911 posts

221 months

Friday 16th March 2012
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One Amp Andy said:
I particularly like the gatehouse bell ends who think they run the whole company.
If any of you have ever tipped or loaded at the British Gypsum site at East Leake near Loughborough, then you'll know of the gatehouse cock there. He was the worst I've ever come across and I was only an office monkey - god help the drivers who face him.


19,910 posts

193 months

Friday 16th March 2012
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Panda76 said:
Security gate house staff that have forgotten the meaning of the words polite,manners and respect.
Amazing the look on their faces after they have spoken to you like you're a piece of st and they get some attitude back.Almost like they don't expect to get it back and how dare you..

I can think of quite a few places that have staff on the gate like this.
Im quite well spoken, so I tend not to get this. Ive found that virtually everyone believes that they can look down on lorry drivers though, irrespective of their relative intellect.

One Amp Andy

1,462 posts

193 months

Friday 16th March 2012
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GC8 said:
Im quite well spoken, so I tend not to get this. Ive found that virtually everyone believes that they can look down on lorry drivers though, irrespective of their relative intellect.
I love the fact that we must all be thick, just because we drive trucks.


4,271 posts

214 months

Sunday 18th March 2012
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One Amp Andy said:
GC8 said:
Im quite well spoken, so I tend not to get this. Ive found that virtually everyone believes that they can look down on lorry drivers though, irrespective of their relative intellect.
I love the fact that we must all be thick, just because we drive trucks.
Or buses. >ducks<

10 Pence Short

32,880 posts

220 months

Sunday 18th March 2012
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Panda76 said:
Security gate house staff that have forgotten the meaning of the words polite,manners and respect.
Amazing the look on their faces after they have spoken to you like you're a piece of st and they get some attitude back.Almost like they don't expect to get it back and how dare you..

I can think of quite a few places that have staff on the gate like this.
You have to be careful with those jobworths, though- a friend of mine was sacked off driving for NFT after giving a gate guy some OTT verbals and being banned from site...

Mind you, he is a cock.