chilistrucker said:
StuntmanMike said:
Trucknet is full of the sort of knobber that sit in RDC waiting rooms spouting cack and stinking of B.O.
Ha, ha, the ones that have run out of time on a bay in said RDC and then had to be chalked off

Not forgetting the onside local bobby that put a chalk mark from the tyre to the yard and threatens a ( by now grovelling and eating out of the drivers hand ( not only offering use of the canteen but use of his personal assistant ) ) , or the fact that he educated the local VOSA because A, they don't know the law, B he does, much better than they so, instead of a pending prosecution 130 mph down the A38, he leaves them with a sense of wonderment and im potent rage, leaving you with the impression that he is Luke Duke, authority is Boss Hogg and their in forcer is Roscoe P Coltrane.
Completely forgetting he is driving an X reg Iveco and stuck with you for company on a Friday night.