Every winter in Norway...

Every winter in Norway...



Original Poster:

5,221 posts

237 months

Tuesday 10th April 2012
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... Truck drivers come up here thinking they'll get by without winter tyres.


That Lithuanian driver escaped with broken bones, as you'll see the tow truck driver knew what was coming.

I can't understand why they do it, granted the cost to the operator would be crazy for one or two runs, but when your life is at risk, surely you'd have a double think.

The real fault is with the toll at the border, they shouldn't let them in. I'll get a fine if I run my car with summer tyres in winter.

Bonus video :



4,541 posts

154 months

Tuesday 10th April 2012
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saw this the other day, amazed he got away with just broken bones.
i agree, going ill equipped for the job is asking for trouble. we do scandinavia in the winter if a tour goes that way, and every truck is equipped with snow chains in the side lockers. by some miracle i havn't had to use them yet, but i know i will one day. you are right, think there should be strict controls at the border and if a truck hasn't got the right equipment, don't let it in!