Keep the noise down



Original Poster:

4,029 posts

193 months

Monday 2nd April 2012
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This is what I expected to be a story on the 1st April!

Turning reverse alarms off? irked


8,880 posts

186 months

Monday 2nd April 2012
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None of our Lorrys or vans are going anywhere near London for the festival of brands and free movement regulation.


17,911 posts

221 months

Monday 2nd April 2012
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Turning reversing alarms off is quite common. I've also come across turning fridges off and even ensuring radios can't be heard or are turned off if a window is down/door ooen. Some retailers who use metal cages put measures in place to ensure they're not rattling and banging during delivery.

This is all aside from time windows which if you miss, the delivery waits until the next day as the neighbours will kick off if you ignore the restriction.

minky monkey

1,527 posts

169 months

Tuesday 3rd April 2012
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Working in the Recovery industry I always found it difficult to keep the noise down late at night in residential areas.

Doing the obvious things like leaving the beacons/radio etc off while unloading, you always had to have the truck running to use the PTO for the tilt slide to operate. Had quite a few occasions when I was given a mouthful of abuse while loading/unloading at 3am, but what else cnould you do apart from refuse to deliver someone home!


2,579 posts

153 months

Tuesday 3rd April 2012
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Another annoying aspect is when people buy houses next to or close to an area where noise overnight is inevitable and then complain about it.
Recently my place of work has had to have certain areas of the yard made untouchable over night due to the proximity to "new" apartments and some yard lighting switched off due to the proximity to "new" apartments.Which is nice working around in near pitch black in some areas and crappy led torches to hand lol.
Also reverse bleepers switched off etc etc."which I don't comply with tbh when reversing in the nion pitch black areas,you can't see people moving around so the bleeper stays on to warn them."
This is by order of the council no less.The residents didn't bother being polite and asking the company,they went straight to the council to make complaints.
They are the idiots that bought/rented the apartments there in the first place.

Same scenario when I worked at an airport,the majority of workers there were local and had no complaints about the airport,it was people moving in that then started complaining about night flights ffs..

People really are thick if they don't sit at night for a little while at a prospective property to see what the noise "night life" is like there.