coloured lights on front of trucks

coloured lights on front of trucks



Original Poster:

1,248 posts

209 months

Tuesday 20th March 2012
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Whilst i dont lose any sleep over it and some look good, Is it not ilegal to show anything but white lights at front? Lots of blue ones about, Are the bib too busy these days to stop this?


568 posts

149 months

Tuesday 20th March 2012
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I believe as long as you aren't showing a red light to the front (or a white light to the rear) and the blue lights aren't flashing It's legal.

One of our drivers got pulled for having red rope lights around the screen, and was told blue would be ok.

Cock Womble 7

29,908 posts

233 months

Tuesday 20th March 2012
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Usually (thank God) limited to owner operators, as I doubt any transport/fleet manager would let a driver run riot with the Ring catalogue on a fleet lorry.

Looks a bit naff and OTT to me - ditto the Scania LED display on the bulkhead (how bright do you want your cab to be at night?)

Don't get me started on custom paint jobs - murals of the cast of "Only Fools And Horses" or "Xena Warrior Princess" which look like they were done by a one-eyed three year old with only a passing recognition of the subject matter.

Show-offs and "Truck-Fest" tarts.

On the up-side those lorries with more lights than Wembley Stadium always want to show them off - so you're guaranteed to be "flashed in".


19,910 posts

193 months

Tuesday 20th March 2012
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Looks silly to me too, although Ive seen many vehicles adorned with tat by employed drivers. Not working for large fleets though, unsurprisingly.

Two good quality forward facing lamps would be useful, even more so if they had a dipped beam too, as HGV headlamps are usually terrible. Add to that a pair of switchable work lamps on the chassis at the back and maybe a load lamp and camera, and Id be done.


17,911 posts

221 months

Tuesday 20th March 2012
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The only big-ish fleet I know who have mad lights is Shirley's tankers based in Stoke. Like CW7 says, limited to owner drivers. Has anyone seen the DD trailers with rope lights front to back on the edge of the roof?! Bit OTT.