Masternaut Tracking/Telemetry

Masternaut Tracking/Telemetry


Cock Womble 7

Original Poster:

29,908 posts

233 months

Wednesday 14th March 2012
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I'm not usually a fan of "Big Brother" monitoring my every move, although it's becoming more and more common these days.

However, in this case it seems to have worked in my favour.

As well as proving you did something wrong, it can also prove you did nothing wrong.

Life Saab Itch

37,068 posts

191 months

Wednesday 14th March 2012
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Our lot use Falcon.

We also had a superb camera setup on the old Mercs by a company called TSS (Traffic Safety Systems) at Bicester.

The cameras were useful for insurance reasons. We have a brilliant video from one of the rear wards mirror mounted cameras of a 7.5 tonne driver looking more and more scared as he realised that he was running out of road. A nice shot of the impact too.

Our lot are obsessed by the fuel efficiency figures and they've put the "idle shutdown time" on the new Voplvos down from 3 minutes to one. That's always fun when you're waiting to pull out of a junction...


17,911 posts

221 months

Wednesday 14th March 2012
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Only just seen your GG post CW. The company I'm currently with use Masternaut, and I too would have confirmed your journey could be analysed enough in order for the busy-body to be proved wrong.

If it were me who had to interview you, I would have pulled the reports from Masternaut first - its poor form to haul you in, give you a hard time and then get the tracker evidence. In fact, I know in the past I've got or been asked to get evidence before a driver is challenged about something.


12,545 posts

184 months

Wednesday 14th March 2012
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FunBusMk2 said:
Only just seen your GG post CW. The company I'm currently with use Masternaut, and I too would have confirmed your journey could be analysed enough in order for the busy-body to be proved wrong.

If it were me who had to interview you, I would have pulled the reports from Masternaut first - its poor form to haul you in, give you a hard time and then get the tracker evidence. In fact, I know in the past I've got or been asked to get evidence before a driver is challenged about something.
Guilty until prooved innocent umm.


2,578 posts

153 months

Thursday 15th March 2012
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Dynafleet on the 59 plate Volvos.
Telematics on the 61 plate volvos.
Apparently telematics sends out more in depth information than dynafleet.