View from your cab, or outside it

View from your cab, or outside it



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252 months

Friday 12th July 2013
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Waugh-terfall said:
Think I saw ZR1Cliff Anti-clock on he A3 between 11 and 10 just before 5pm.
Not me mate, I've been on hire to ASDA with my latest unit, 'HRL'. Think EPD has gone to a tramper.

Was on the M25 earlier yesterday, after taking a load into Sutton.


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 13th July 2013
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Tescos Dagenham ?


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 13th July 2013
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Paddy_N_Murphy said:
ZR1cliff said:
Someone had a bad day at the docks

I have seen North Sea waves do that to a container before
Really ?!?! What did the ship look like ? eek


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Saturday 13th July 2013
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iva cosworth said:
So what's the likely story re how did that end up banana shaped.....confused

I just thought it might have been dropped but could it have happened on board ship,in rough

seas ????
Asked a worker in one of the kiosks and he said a crane dropped it.


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17,999 posts

252 months

Wednesday 17th July 2013
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My new unit working overtime on the drinks run.


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17,999 posts

252 months

Monday 5th August 2013
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Small Car said:
Holy post resurrection but that's by the North Circ and the North Coast mainline in north London isn't it. I crane my neck every time in go past on the Virgin Train as it is one of the highlights after the Ace Cafe when I travel in to London from t'north...
In Park Royal at one of the DC's I go too. Quite a selection down there.


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17,999 posts

252 months

Monday 5th August 2013
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s p a c e m a n said:
Cliff, who is that yummy blonde bird driving for you lot? I nearly crashed when I saw her on the M25 earlier, way too pretty to be a trucker #Sexistmofo hehe
some Romanian bird, all very friendly and waves a lot. Saw another bird driving today, where I went in Fareham, earlier today. Legs all over the steering wheel, while she was waiting. Works for Lenhams.

Always good to see.


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17,999 posts

252 months

Thursday 8th August 2013
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This morning on the M25. Bit lucky, when you think the cab turned into a fireball and had all that juice behind it.

Fair play to the fire services getting there so quick and keeping it all under control. Take note Boris!


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17,999 posts

252 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2013
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Poxey plastic bottles. Took the strap off and the stack fell over.


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17,999 posts

252 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2013
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Toddington services yesterday.


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17,999 posts

252 months

Tuesday 10th September 2013
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AF1 said:

I feel your pain!
Did that with a pallet of yoghurts, I tipped over when unloading at Lidls in Enfield. Took me fking ages to pick the lot up.


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Tuesday 10th September 2013
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s p a c e m a n said:
Worst one I ever did was a pallet of stuffed olives on a 7.5t, it was impossible to stand on the back of the motor for over a week without slipping over hehe
Must have been like a skating rink, that oil soaks in haha


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Friday 20th September 2013
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Saw this down near Dagenham dock today


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Monday 23rd September 2013
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Some good spots at Toddington. Must be the new Greggs attracting them.

Saw this Saturday.


Original Poster:

17,999 posts

252 months

Wednesday 25th September 2013
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Rumple said:
ZR1cliff said:
Some good spots at Toddington. Must be the new Greggs attracting them.

Saw this Saturday.

Im not really on the road anymore, just one offs, does that Geezer with the giant moustache still try to sell you insurance on there?
Not seen him, although I've had the 'Unite Union' rep knock on the door, South bound side.