Petrol Tanker Drivers



2,579 posts

153 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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^^^^ you forgot the tin hat

Cock Womble 7

Original Poster:

29,908 posts

233 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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R0G said:
Apparently, the companies are using cheaper agency drivers and this is not on according to the regular drivers
Hello! Welcome to the Market Economy, you knobs.


11,671 posts

154 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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fk it, if they can protect their high wage etc good luck to em, over the last twenty years I've seen drivers wages stagnate, drivers would rather suck the boss off for the best runs, units etc, nice to see some stick together for a change.

Cock Womble 7

Original Poster:

29,908 posts

233 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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rumple said:
fk it, if they can protect their high wage etc good luck to em, over the last twenty years I've seen drivers wages stagnate, drivers would rather suck the boss off for the best runs, units etc, nice to see some stick together for a change.
And to hell with the rest of the country, as long as the tanker drivers are OK, right?


10,283 posts

163 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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Cock Womble 7 said:
rumple said:
fk it, if they can protect their high wage etc good luck to em, over the last twenty years I've seen drivers wages stagnate, drivers would rather suck the boss off for the best runs, units etc, nice to see some stick together for a change.
And to hell with the rest of the country, as long as the tanker drivers are OK, right?
Im more right wing than a right wing thing!!!! but I seriouly belive anyone who gets out of bed and goes to work and contrbutes should get a fair wage im not with the tanker drivers or there stinking union, but we need to find a way of evening out pay so people can have a reasonble living not just the lucky few...


305 posts

213 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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Panda76 said:
I'm not sure what the government are thinking either claiming that 300 drivers from the MOD can do 90% of the work of 2000 drivers.It's not going to happen.
I've said it in another thread,only essential and emergency services will see fuel.Anyone else will see it dry up if the strikes are on for a while.
I would imagine the MOD will be exempt from all the drivers hours reg's to get round that problem

Justin Cyder

12,624 posts

152 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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lgw said:
I would imagine the MOD will be exempt from all the drivers hours reg's to get round that problem
Governments relax that when they need to. Last time they did was the snow for the emergency services, agricultural hauliers, fuel tanker drivers...


3,959 posts

192 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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R0G said:
Apparently, the companies are using cheaper agency drivers and this is not on according to the regular drivers fill the gaps! The fact that agency drivers are being employed means there's work there. It's just with that 3am starts and 12hr shifts, not many are willing to do it, despite the money.


11,671 posts

154 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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Cock Womble 7 said:
And to hell with the rest of the country, as long as the tanker drivers are OK, right?
So what do you want to do, put em on 25k a year just like any other sty distribution job in the UK, maybe go the way of the Irish hauliers, sack em all and replace em with polish drivers.

Edited by rumple on Wednesday 28th March 05:57


2,579 posts

153 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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lgw said:
I would imagine the MOD will be exempt from all the drivers hours reg's to get round that problem
They will be exempt,been there done that years ago.
Closest it got to actually doing any kind of driving duty recording was a log book that was used now and again.

My observation is 300 drivers covering the work of 2000 even being exempt from hours doesn't really add up.


2,579 posts

153 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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rumple said:
Cock Womble 7 said:
And to hell with the rest of the country, as long as the tanker drivers are OK, right?
So what do you want to do, put em on 25k a year just like any other sty distribution job in the UK, maybe go the way of the Irish hauliers, sack em all and replace em with polish drivers.
Maybe they would have been better doing a bit of STFU for now and sticking with what they have for a little while given that so many people are losing jobs and on hardtimes.The media spin isn't doing them any favours spouting on about this 45k they are all getting rolleyes .
They aren't the only sector of the logistics industry that is now using contractors and agency cover.

It's not as though they can go waffling on about h+s issues much tbh.My routes bring me around the A42/M42 and Kingsbury way quite often.Some of them lot rolling out of there loaded are driving like lunatics,so much for averting disasters there.

So what gives then ? Is it Red Len hijacking the gripes and balloting to do more harm to the government knowing Millibands mob won't say much considering who Unite back and fund,or is it the old guard doing the complaining and stirring up.
Looking at the Vote it wasn't 100% backed.
Old guard at work ? Or militant union leader ?

Whichever it is they won't get as much backing with this round of strike action as they did last time,people might have been a bit more sympathetic then.Not now they won't.

  • Didn't turners try an exercise of using poles only and had to eat humble pie in the end ? Going back a couple of years.


57 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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I don't think there will be much public support for such a strike and, without that, I don't think it could last long.

I do think there would be public support for a fuel tax protest and I am sort of half expecting that anytime soon


11,671 posts

154 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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Panda76 you may be right mate, I don't know what its all about , and the sun etc will have their spin on it, just riles me all the time that fellow drivers always have to stick the boot in, that's why the industry is dying on its feet, on the polish question yes a few firms tried it and had their fingers burnt, but in the last 18 months or so its become very common, 2 years ago I allied for 5 outfits, turned down by 3 cos they only take poles on now, got my job but really made me think, and didn't Nolan make all their Irish drivers redundent and replace em with poles , salaried to 380 a week, coming to the point where ill have to take a dull as fk distribution job and become a robot cos there will be nothing else out there.


4,987 posts

158 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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JPJPJP said:
I don't think there will be much public support for such a strike and, without that, I don't think it could last long.

I do think there would be public support for a fuel tax protest
I agree


11,671 posts

154 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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Just cant beleive no ones protesting about fuel cost.


23,852 posts

224 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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I may get a sensible in this corner of Ph - whats to stop the oil firms just hiring a load of agency drivers ?

If I was on agency and they asked me, I would leap at the chance.


24,498 posts

189 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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I must admit I'm fascinated by how Unite are marketing this. Admittedly with the collusion of the BBC they are managing to avoid discussing what this potential strike is actually about very successfully.


11,671 posts

154 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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I don't know, not the union type, id imagine were about to find out though.


23,852 posts

224 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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rumple said:
Just cant beleive no ones protesting about fuel cost.
You and me both. If this Paris, there would be civil war by now.

We are just to bloody soft, just keep bending over and taking it.

Cock Womble 7

Original Poster:

29,908 posts

233 months

Wednesday 28th March 2012
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Turn7 said:
We are just to bloody soft, just keep bending over and taking it.
So what do we do, blockade the oil refineries? Because that was so effective last time.

Perhaps we should just boycott petrol stations and not buy any petrol or diesel. That'll learn 'em.