Welding close to bonded plastic - advice

Welding close to bonded plastic - advice



Original Poster:

5,156 posts

162 months

Friday 28th June
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I've got a welding job to do which is about 50mm from an epoxy bonded plastic component which is attached to the steel I'm welding.

I'm wondering if MIG welding this is a good idea and how to prevent the heat destroying the epoxy bond? I believe the epoxy is the limiting factor as that can only take up to about 120 to 140 deg C.

Is using a heat blocking putty an idea?

I'm thinking of welding short tacks to minimise heat build up.


Original Poster:

5,156 posts

162 months

Friday 28th June
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JohnMcL said:
Can you not cut the epoxy bond, move the plastic component out of the way, do the weld, let cool, redo the epoxy?
That's a really good idea in principle but the difficulty is cutting the bond. It's very difficult to get at.

I think the best idea is very short stitches which are allowed to cool.

The heat resisting putty won't do any harm.


Original Poster:

5,156 posts

162 months

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Other than an infra red contactless thermometer, I wonder if there's some device I could use to log the temperature the metal gets closest to the bonded part?


Original Poster:

5,156 posts

162 months

Yes, TIG is a good idea.