Peugeot partner
Start problems diesel 2lt Partner battery 12mth old has been problem slow turn over and unless starts in a few turns in cold weather it fails to go with appearance of flat battery.
Charger I have tested leads from charger at 20v on multimeter setting showed 19.45
Testing batter with multimeter showed 11.43
Testing battery while being charged showed 12.34
I'm wondering a starter fault taking in power from battery but not powering to turn over engine.
Many moons ago I had escort that gave same problem new fully charged battery started ok next day appearance of flat battery even though test registered 12.4 at shop where I had bought new battery.
My company I worked for said get garage to test it your starter, they found the fault repaired faulty part free and it was so good it nearly spun the car over not just engine.
Thanks! any other ideas will be welcome
Charger I have tested leads from charger at 20v on multimeter setting showed 19.45
Testing batter with multimeter showed 11.43
Testing battery while being charged showed 12.34
I'm wondering a starter fault taking in power from battery but not powering to turn over engine.
Many moons ago I had escort that gave same problem new fully charged battery started ok next day appearance of flat battery even though test registered 12.4 at shop where I had bought new battery.
My company I worked for said get garage to test it your starter, they found the fault repaired faulty part free and it was so good it nearly spun the car over not just engine.
Thanks! any other ideas will be welcome
numpty999 said:
it fails to go with appearance of flat battery.
Testing batter with multimeter showed 11.43
Testing battery while being charged showed 12.34
I'm wondering a starter fault taking in power from battery but not powering to turn over engine.
The battery is flat. Given that it is also not taking a charge, everything points to a knackered battery. When you get it replaced also check that the vehicle charging system is working correctly and there is no residual current drain, because the knackered battery might be a consequence of some other fault which caused it to be deep discharged.Testing batter with multimeter showed 11.43
Testing battery while being charged showed 12.34
I'm wondering a starter fault taking in power from battery but not powering to turn over engine.
Further to previous post
mm = multimeter. Setting at 20v DC
Battery charger test
connecting charger leads to mm leads with the mm set at 20v DC
Reading on mm is 19.50 on rapid charge setting of charger.
Is reading correct ? Or indicating fault
Another charge test connected 12v light to charger leads, powered up charger light lit indicating current flow but obvious not value .
Battery on garage bench state of charge.
Battery on fast/ rapid charge all yesterday day
. over night charger removed, reading on mm 12.73 12noon today indicates holding charge
Battery on car without charger connected mm reading 11.93 indicating Mr full charge.
Battery condition indicator should show green. It doesn't, it shows silver circle with red dot indicating 'charge
Given that both of the batteries show high reading,especially the one on car I would have thought this had power to start car(Diesel)
mm = multimeter. Setting at 20v DC
Battery charger test
connecting charger leads to mm leads with the mm set at 20v DC
Reading on mm is 19.50 on rapid charge setting of charger.
Is reading correct ? Or indicating fault
Another charge test connected 12v light to charger leads, powered up charger light lit indicating current flow but obvious not value .
Battery on garage bench state of charge.
Battery on fast/ rapid charge all yesterday day
. over night charger removed, reading on mm 12.73 12noon today indicates holding charge
Battery on car without charger connected mm reading 11.93 indicating Mr full charge.
Battery condition indicator should show green. It doesn't, it shows silver circle with red dot indicating 'charge
Given that both of the batteries show high reading,especially the one on car I would have thought this had power to start car(Diesel)
numpty999 said:
Battery on car without charger connected mm reading 11.93 indicating Mr full charge.
The battery is flat.Battery on car without charger connected mm reading 11.93 indicating Mr full charge.
You already said it had been on charge so clearly it is not taking a charge and needs to be replaced.
When you replace it, check the charging system is working and there is no residual current drain.
2 conflicting opinions above & one is completely incorrect.
A 12 volts battery is actually 6 x 2.1 volt cells in SERIES which is 12.6 volts
11 volts is flatter that the flattest flat thing that has been stood on by an elephant with a flat foot.
A fully charged off-load good battery will read 12.6/12.7 volts and will hold that charge for a long time.
Every 0.1 volt loss from this equates to approximately 20% charge so 12.0 /12.1 volts is flat.
Your 19.5 volts is the output from the charger as it has to have a higher voltage than the battery to put charge into it, the higher the voltage (within limits obviously) the faster the charger.
ETA SERIES not parallel
A 12 volts battery is actually 6 x 2.1 volt cells in SERIES which is 12.6 volts
11 volts is flatter that the flattest flat thing that has been stood on by an elephant with a flat foot.
A fully charged off-load good battery will read 12.6/12.7 volts and will hold that charge for a long time.
Every 0.1 volt loss from this equates to approximately 20% charge so 12.0 /12.1 volts is flat.
Your 19.5 volts is the output from the charger as it has to have a higher voltage than the battery to put charge into it, the higher the voltage (within limits obviously) the faster the charger.
ETA SERIES not parallel
Edited by E-bmw on Saturday 19th January 07:05
E-bmw said:
2 conflicting opinions above & one is completely incorrect.
A 12 volts battery is actually 6 x 2.1 volt cells in parallel which is 12.6 volts
11 volts is flatter that the flattest flat thing that has been stood on by an elephant with a flat foot.
I should've added more ~'s and Circas really A 12 volts battery is actually 6 x 2.1 volt cells in parallel which is 12.6 volts
11 volts is flatter that the flattest flat thing that has been stood on by an elephant with a flat foot.

bearman68 said:
Test the battery while cranking. If less than about 10v battery is 'bad' - maybe just flat, or maybe in terminal stages of flatter than a flat thing that has been stood on by an elephant with a very flat foot.
That did make me smile, so thanks for that.
Good point also about dynamic testing when fully charged.That did make me smile, so thanks for that.
You are very welcome

[quote=numpty999 all ok now car started on another full charged battery Left running for 3/4hour. Have the poss faulty battery on charge if doesn't take charge it goes back and it's only six months old not 1yr looked at warranty.
tested,alternator is charging by connecting multi meter set to 20DC to battery with engine running reading 14.43,( this is how breakdown service tested it ) thanks to all for your help. Now I've said this bet b.,...r wont start.].
Start problems diesel 2lt Partner battery 12mth old has been problem slow turn over and unless starts in a few turns in cold weather it fails to go with appearance of flat battery.
Charger I have tested leads from charger at 20v on multimeter setting showed 19.45
Testing batter with multimeter showed 11.43
Testing battery while being charged showed 12.34
I'm wondering a starter fault taking in power from battery but not powering to turn over engine.
Many moons ago I had escort that gave same problem new fully charged battery started ok next day appearance of flat battery even though test registered 12.4 at shop where I had bought new battery.
My company I worked for said get garage to test it your starter, they found the fault repaired faulty part free and it was so good it nearly spun the car over not just engine.
Thanks! any other ideas will be welcome
tested,alternator is charging by connecting multi meter set to 20DC to battery with engine running reading 14.43,( this is how breakdown service tested it ) thanks to all for your help. Now I've said this bet b.,...r wont start.].
Start problems diesel 2lt Partner battery 12mth old has been problem slow turn over and unless starts in a few turns in cold weather it fails to go with appearance of flat battery.
Charger I have tested leads from charger at 20v on multimeter setting showed 19.45
Testing batter with multimeter showed 11.43
Testing battery while being charged showed 12.34
I'm wondering a starter fault taking in power from battery but not powering to turn over engine.
Many moons ago I had escort that gave same problem new fully charged battery started ok next day appearance of flat battery even though test registered 12.4 at shop where I had bought new battery.
My company I worked for said get garage to test it your starter, they found the fault repaired faulty part free and it was so good it nearly spun the car over not just engine.
Thanks! any other ideas will be welcome
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