Design Software



Original Poster:

5,024 posts

225 months

Sunday 1st February 2015
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I am looking for some design software to enable me to produce CAD designs for parts I will need CNC machined.

I have no experience in this area, so something intuitive or simple would be good.

Not too expensive would be good and needs to be Microsoft compatible.

I am sure there must be some every-day users out there in Pistonheads land that can advise on some simple software.



53 posts

177 months

Sunday 1st February 2015
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Google Sketchup is fairly intuitive for a novice, and there is a free version so you can try it out. I think you need to pay for the version that lets you export CNC friendly files.

Doctor Volt

336 posts

135 months

Sunday 1st February 2015
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Some nice free ones here

Check all the other links


320 posts

162 months

Friday 13th February 2015
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I use SolidWorks but thats a bit pricey for what you need.

I was impressed with a video showing the RS DesignSpark which is free.
I belive its based on space claim which is getting more popular in the more cost sensitive end of the CAD market.

As long as it spits out IGES, STEP or parasolids your good to go.


1,687 posts

238 months

Saturday 14th February 2015
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