


Original Poster:

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213 months

Thursday 2nd May
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I happened to be awake at 4am this morning and am 99% certain I felt a very slight tremor.

It shook the house, albeit very ‘softly’. There was another distinct feature of this tremor in that there was a characteristic low (noise) rumble accompanying the shaking.

I’m not a seismologist but I have experienced two previous earthquakes.

One in Cyprus in 1990 and one in Tobago in 2000 (I believe that was the year).

The Cypriot one was short, fairly intense and relatively mild - I recall about magnitude 3 or 3. something. It was in the early evening.

The Tobago one was a fraction longer, early hours of the morning and, if memory serves me correctly, 4/5. Violent enough to wake me up, bed shaking and intense and then stopped instantly.

The one now (and I can find no evidence to support my claim) was so slight that you would equate it to a lorry or train rumbling past a building that shook it but so ‘contained’ and with no accompanying engine noise.

It was visceral rather than just audible.

Then I felt one aftershock at 4:12am. That was even less and I’d even go so far as to say at a fraction of the intensity of the first tremor.

I’m on the edge of Colchester.

It I were guessing, given the logarithmic scale of these events, it would be a 1/2 - a level purportedly too small for humans to feel. But I know what I felt.

Anyway, no proof, no evidence (I’ve checked the British Geological Society and web searched for confirmation and there’s none.)

Perhaps, it’s my comeuppance for dismissing alien encounters, here on Earth. Yet I know what I felt - it was so slight but shook the whole house, yet so small that my wife is still asleep.

Bizarre. Yet (for me) fascinating.

Feel free to poke fun.


Original Poster:

2,857 posts

213 months

Thursday 2nd May
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I ‘would’ say not (the rest is purely subjective) it wasn’t the usual noise and air vibration of a loud clap of thunder - I grew up in the Middle East and have seen and felt some huge dry storms as a child.

This event shook the house, but from underneath and so completely yet ‘gently’ - the same feeling (at different intensities to the two earthquakes I’ve previously experienced) that I was under no doubt as to what it was.

The facts, however, don’t appear to be being that helpful though. biglaughbiglaugh


Original Poster:

2,857 posts

213 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Simpo Two said:
Similar location here. I didn't hear any thunder - may have slept through it - but there was a LOUD deluge of rain that lasted 1-2 mins and that woke me up. It sounded like a massive hailstorm but when I looked out soon afterwards the ground wasn't white.
Great link - thank you


Original Poster:

2,857 posts

213 months

Thursday 2nd May
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vaud said:

Nothing reported here and it goes down to mag 0.2

I’d like to change the title of the thread to: Help, I think I just been abducted by aliens and probed’


Original Poster:

2,857 posts

213 months

Thursday 2nd May
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SpudLink said:
dukeboy749r said:

I’d like to change the title of the thread to: Help, I think I just been abducted by aliens and probed’
It's not aliens. It's the pre-human civilization that retreated underground. They're making their way back to reclaim the surface world.

I'm picturing the Underminers arriving in central Colchester.