Evolution - is it real?

Evolution - is it real?



Original Poster:

1,740 posts

181 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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Have we done this?

Evolution is a theory. If it happened / happens then where are all the ‘half way’ animals? It’s not just the missing link between us and the monkeys that’s missing is it, there are thousands. Where are walking fish, bald birds or whatever. And if the theory is wrong then what’s the alternative?


Original Poster:

1,740 posts

181 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Johnnytheboy said:
My point was I assume that a resistance to the idea of evolution is almost always coming from a feeling that it contradicts your religious belief.

If you don't believe in any god and you are smart enough to have given evolution any thought, I'd be interested to know how you arrived an opinion that you didn't believe in it.
If you didn't believe in god and then you weighed up the evidence and decided evolution didn't make sense then you'd have to be looking at creation somehow else.

And that's going to end with little green men.


Original Poster:

1,740 posts

181 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Joe Rogan's podcast with Katt Williams prompted this thread revival, don't know if anyone has had a listen


Original Poster:

1,740 posts

181 months

Tuesday 14th May
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Wow. Maybe need a younger dryas to erase memory before the cycle starts again