ULA Vulcan



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20,873 posts

207 months

Friday 5th April 2019
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In common with other launch vehicles, I thought that as this one is nearing the hardware stage, perhaps a new thread for it was needed...

Intended to replace both Delta IV and Atlas V in ULA's lineup, Vulcan will use a pair of Blue Origin BE-4 methane fuelled engines in its first stage, while the second stage is initially the tried & tested Centaur

Development path

Performance - note 'single core' ( albeit with solid boosters ) performance of the 'Heavy' version exceeds that of the triple core Delta IV Heavy

ULA CEO says that he sees no market for a triple core version at present, but is keeping it in mind


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20,873 posts

207 months

Tuesday 21st May 2019
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20,873 posts

207 months

Thursday 15th August 2019
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It's been announced that the SNC Dreamchaser will launch on the Vulcan



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207 months

Saturday 5th June 2021
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It seems there may be an issue with the new version of the RL-10 intended for the Vulcan's second stage - the new engine was flown on the Atlas 5 recently and the nozzle extension was observed to be vibrating



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20,873 posts

207 months

Monday 12th December 2022
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The first flight Vulcan first and second stages are preparing to ship to Florida ahead of a possible late February launch attempt. The BE-4 first stage engines are installed, and undergoing integrated testing at ULA's Decatur Alabama factory.


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20,873 posts

207 months

Thursday 30th March 2023
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Looks like first flight will be delayed



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20,873 posts

207 months

Friday 14th April 2023
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Scott Manley video about the failure



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20,873 posts

207 months

Wednesday 7th June 2023
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Second attempt at a test fire



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207 months

Friday 30th June 2023
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Beati Dogu said:
Now the first launch is officially no earlier than the 4th quarter of 2023 due to the problems with the Centaur upper stage. The tank design needs to be strengthened to avoid it bursting apart. Something they have had years to work on while waiting for the main engines.
A stage which is a slightly updated version of something which has been flying since the 1960s - hoe did they manage to mess it up so badly frown


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20,873 posts

207 months

Wednesday 25th October 2023
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Good luck to them, but I'll be very surprised if it isn't delayed into 2024


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20,873 posts

207 months

Tuesday 31st October 2023
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Beati Dogu said:
The company is basically up for sale, so presentation certainly matters.
I recently read an editorial ( sorry, can't remember where ) which made an interesting point.

The 'traditional' launch vehicle manufacturers ( Boeing, LM, etc. ) , which grew on a steady diet of 'cost plus' contracts, primarily exist to make a profit for their shareholders.

In order for them to compete with the likes of SpaceX and RocketLab they would need to invest heavily in reusable vehicles, which would be very difficult to do with the way their businesses are structured, using subcontractors spread around many constituencies to gain political leverage. They simply aren't built in a way to encourage the rapid low cost development processes the newer companies use.

As a business it may simply make more sense for them to shut up shop rather than sink $billions into development of vehicles which would then still have to compete for contracts.


Original Poster:

20,873 posts

207 months

Monday 8th January
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Eric Mc said:
carl_w said:
Peregrine lander has experienced an anomaly