The Hunt for Higgs: A Horizon Special

The Hunt for Higgs: A Horizon Special



Original Poster:

244 posts

150 months

Tuesday 10th January 2012
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A good watch , Jim Alcholililililiy as good as ever and remarakebly upto date for tv


Original Poster:

244 posts

150 months

Wednesday 11th January 2012
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Pobolycwm said:
I was a bit disappointed with it, too many physicists trying to be quirky and nobody able to really bring the " quest " alive , I was left feeling the Higgs Bosun will be found soon more by elimination than anything else, I guess that's the way with science nowadays. I liked the quote about " There be dragons" before the Big Bang.......where's all the dragon hunters ?
cou - pleb - gh!


Original Poster:

244 posts

150 months

Thursday 12th January 2012
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Pobolycwm said:
offendi said:
Pobolycwm said:
I was a bit disappointed with it, too many physicists trying to be quirky and nobody able to really bring the " quest " alive , I was left feeling the Higgs Bosun will be found soon more by elimination than anything else, I guess that's the way with science nowadays. I liked the quote about " There be dragons" before the Big Bang.......where's all the dragon hunters ?
cou - pleb - gh!
None taken, despite your name
shame really the offence was intended , the subject was some cutting edge science and your contribution was "physicists trying to be quirky " and " I guess that's the way with science nowadays"

Admittadly pleb was the bare minimum derisiioin i could give and maybe Mail reader or Kyle viewer would have more approriate