Can science prove the glass is half full or half empty ?

Can science prove the glass is half full or half empty ?



Original Poster:

565 posts

238 months

Friday 22nd March
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Just wondering !!!!!!!!!


6,890 posts

254 months

Friday 22nd March
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Always full


20,907 posts

275 months

Friday 22nd March
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Best not to look at it

sunbeam alpine

7,004 posts

191 months

Friday 22nd March
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Do all your household staff have the day off?

Simpo Two

86,115 posts

268 months

Monday 25th March
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It's both.

However the liquid always seems to choose the bottom half, thus defying the laws of probability which state that 50% of the time it should be in the top half.

We conclude that gravity is more powerful than probability.

QED. Probably.

Joe M

691 posts

248 months

Tuesday 26th March
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If your filling the glass, it's half full...
If your emptying the glass, it's half empty...
Any other case, it's just half a glass.


13,555 posts

218 months

Tuesday 26th March
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If your filling it with a liquid theres still microscopic gaps in the liquid or it wouldnt be liquid so is it really half full of is it only percived to be half full ?


26,364 posts

196 months

Tuesday 26th March
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It's always full, even when it's empty. Except in a vacuum when it's abhorrent. Science! probably.


7,859 posts

112 months

Tuesday 26th March
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As atoms are mostly empty space (tiny nucleus with some electrons sort of moving them) then glass is not even half full.

Simpo Two

86,115 posts

268 months

Tuesday 26th March
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Skeptisk said:
As atoms are mostly empty space (tiny nucleus with some electrons sort of moving them) then glass is not even half full.
And if it was you wouldn't be able to pick it up...

'I'll have a pint of Neutron Star please'. A heavy ale hehe


13,555 posts

218 months

Tuesday 26th March
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Simpo Two said:
And if it was you wouldn't be able to pick it up...

'I'll have a pint of Neutron Star please'. A heavy ale hehe
Its only 440ml but it is an imperial stout teacher

Simpo Two

86,115 posts

268 months

Tuesday 26th March
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sherman said:
Its only 440ml but it is an imperial stout teacher
Damn, beaten to another great idea...

£9 a can, balls to that. But then if you consider it must contain about 1,000 planets, it's good value.


322 posts

183 months

Tuesday 26th March
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This is easily explained by applying Schrodingers theory, the glass exists happily in both states, both half full and half empty simultaneously, until you look at it, whereupon it releases information and the probability waveform collapses, you have now simply determined its state quite easily by looking at it.

Thereby also proving Feynman; that if you can understand quantum mechanics you`re not doing it right


57 months

Tuesday 26th March
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But would looking through the glass cause any chromatic abberation?

Super Sonic

5,817 posts

57 months

Tuesday 26th March
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I don't think science can actually prove anything. It can offer theories based on evidence, but these theories only stand as long as the evidence backs them up, and if new evidence comes to light, we have to revise those theories.
faod, I'm not a god botherer!


322 posts

183 months

Tuesday 26th March
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pocketspring said:
But would looking through the glass cause any chromatic abberation?
I think that`s one for the white rabbit to ponder over... QED

Simpo Two

86,115 posts

268 months

Wednesday 27th March
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Super Sonic said:
I don't think science can actually prove anything. It can offer theories based on evidence, but these theories only stand as long as the evidence backs them up, and if new evidence comes to light, we have to revise those theories.
faod, I'm not a god botherer!
The theory of gravity seems pretty good. Casting my eye around the room and outside I can't see anything floating about. My test to disprove the theory of gravity by repeatedly letting go of small objects in mid-air continues to be unsuccessful.

Perhaps the 'theory' part of the theory of gravity is the name we give the phenomenon, ie it might not actually be called gravity, but Dave...


9,674 posts

136 months

Wednesday 27th March
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The glass has a safety factor of 2.


1,092 posts

178 months

Wednesday 27th March
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The glass is too big.


8 posts

4 months

Wednesday 27th March
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sherman said:
If your filling it with a liquid theres still microscopic gaps in the liquid or it wouldnt be liquid so is it really half full of is it only percived to be half full ?
If you’re looking at it through an electron microscope it’s mostly empty.

Matter makes up less than a third of the universe.