On fusion...


Simpo Two

Original Poster:

86,004 posts

268 months

Monday 1st April
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I didn't know they'd actually done it...

69 megajoules for 5.2 secs, 150,000,000 degrees C:



26,472 posts

176 months

Monday 1st April
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No net energy output though IIRC.


13,262 posts

206 months

Friday 5th April
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Doing fusion is easy - I built a functional fusion reactor when I was an undergraduate. Building a fusion reactor which significantly exceeds breakeven energy for an extended period of time is very difficult.


25,953 posts

196 months

Friday 5th April
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hairykrishna said:
Doing fusion is easy - I built a functional fusion reactor when I was an undergraduate. Building a fusion reactor which significantly exceeds breakeven energy for an extended period of time is very difficult.
It's only 20 years away! wobble