NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover

NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover


Beati Dogu

Original Poster:

8,997 posts

142 months

Thursday 30th July 2020
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NASA’s "Perseverance" Mars rover is due to launch today

Also known as the Mars 2020 mission. The Perseverance rover is very similar to the existing Curiosity rover, but with improvements to the wheels and a different suit of experiments onboard. It also carries the experimental Mars Helicopter "Ingenuity" (seen below, in front of the rover).

It'll launch on an Atlas V rocket from SLC-41 at Cape Canaveral.

Launch window: 12.50 pm - 2.50 pm UK time (7:50-9:50 a.m. EDT)

They're expected to reach Mars next February & land in the Jezero Crater, which is believed to be an ancient lake bed.

NASA Launch coverage:


4,705 posts

124 months

Thursday 30th July 2020
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T minus 10 minutes


980 posts

206 months

Thursday 30th July 2020
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My children’s names should be two of the 1.4 million included on the rover.

Beati Dogu

Original Poster:

8,997 posts

142 months

Thursday 30th July 2020
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Yes, my name is on it too. smile


7,040 posts

108 months

Thursday 30th July 2020
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This multi-mission is truly exciting in its ambition. I'll be following the (lengthy) progress with interest.


9,287 posts

142 months

Thursday 30th July 2020
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Beati Dogu

Original Poster:

8,997 posts

142 months

Thursday 30th July 2020
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Well it's on its way now. Nice launch from ULA.

Photo: ULA

Photo: John Kraus

Edited by Beati Dogu on Thursday 30th July 20:37


7,572 posts

216 months

Thursday 30th July 2020
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Good website here to keep track of it (and other satellites)



18,789 posts

231 months

Tuesday 2nd February 2021
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16 days until landing. Cant wait!


11,313 posts

270 months

Thursday 18th February 2021
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According to the Beeb ( timings are;

Contact with atmosphere: 20:48 GMT
Parachute deployed: 20:52 GMT
Powered descent: 20:54 GMT
Wheels down: 20:55 GMT


20,819 posts

207 months

Thursday 18th February 2021
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17,199 posts

193 months

Thursday 18th February 2021
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Such a shame there’s never video of the landing, must look spectacular from the surface!

Also can’t wait to see how the drone works!

Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Thursday 18th February 2021
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They don't really have the capability to show live video during the landings. They need all the bandwith they've got for telemetry and other stuff.

Beati Dogu

Original Poster:

8,997 posts

142 months

Thursday 18th February 2021
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16,789 posts

208 months

Thursday 18th February 2021
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What happens to the Sky Crane once it's dropped the rover? Video I just watched on the Beeb suggests it flies off again, but where to?


26,262 posts

93 months

Thursday 18th February 2021
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Beati Dogu said:
Yes, my name is on it too. smile
gr1340 said:
My children’s names should be two of the 1.4 million included on the rover.
When the Martians arrive on Earth, they will come with a hit list of 1.4m humans.


20,819 posts

207 months

Thursday 18th February 2021
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Blackpuddin said:
What happens to the Sky Crane once it's dropped the rover? Video I just watched on the Beeb suggests it flies off again, but where to?
'A safe distance' from the lander, then it crashes

Beati Dogu

Original Poster:

8,997 posts

142 months

Thursday 18th February 2021
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Blackpuddin said:
What happens to the Sky Crane once it's dropped the rover? Video I just watched on the Beeb suggests it flies off again, but where to?
It flies off and crashes.

Edit: Here's a satellite view from NASA/JPL-Caltech showing the area around the Curiosity rover soon after landing.

Edited by Beati Dogu on Thursday 18th February 17:22


11,313 posts

270 months

Thursday 18th February 2021
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MartG said:
Blackpuddin said:
What happens to the Sky Crane once it's dropped the rover? Video I just watched on the Beeb suggests it flies off again, but where to?
'A safe distance' from the lander, then it crashes
Just far enough away for Matt Damon to find it in the future.


16,789 posts

208 months

Thursday 18th February 2021
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MartG said:
Blackpuddin said:
What happens to the Sky Crane once it's dropped the rover? Video I just watched on the Beeb suggests it flies off again, but where to?
'A safe distance' from the lander, then it crashes
Hope it doesn't just go straight up until it runs out of juice.