Have you ever seen a UFO?

Have you ever seen a UFO?



Original Poster:

908 posts

145 months

Sunday 25th October 2015
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As per the title really, have you ever seen a 'UFO'?
Not looking for people to respond to put other people down or call bullst, people know what they've seen, just leave it at that. I'm just interested in hearing peoples stories.
Personally I've seen 2 unusual events, firstly in the summer of either 2000 or 2001 walking across a field with a friend when he spotted a black object very high up, probably around 70/80,000 ft and moving I'd say around 3 or 4 times as fast as a commercial aircraft, I've always thought of this to be some sort of military aircraft possibly an experimental one, I'd have described it as very 'SR-71' like, however these were retired from service in about 98/99.
Secondly, driving back from a meal late one night in 2011 with a girlfriend when over to the right hand side there was a light probably about 400ft up and then another light shot down to the ground from it and then bounced back up to it, this light then roughly followed the road we were going home on, but would go out then appear again and suddenly shoot ahead very quick then stop and disappear again etc, very unusual behaviour.
Also not seen but heard something a little unusual last year when outside talking to a neighbour a very loud booming noise that seemed to come from very high up and sounded distant, not many other houses around the area as I'm in the middle of rural Wales.

I'm very open minded about these things, but I'd put my experiences down to some sort of human related activity probably military, but remember that 'UFO' relates to anything 'unidentified' it doesn't mean aliens, but on a side note personally I think it's almost impossible for there not to be other intelligent life out there given the sheer scale of the galaxy alone never mind the universe! It's just that the distances involved are so mind-bogglingly vast that it's hard to imagine any way of being able to travel them in a reasonable time, but this isn't to say that some advanced civilisation has worked around these in a way that may seem unimaginable to us, just as things we can do nowadays would seem impossible to people living only 100 years ago.


10,210 posts

165 months

Sunday 25th October 2015
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Of course it is aliens.

Alpha Centuri is just a mere 4 odd light years away.

After all it seems every alien trip seems to involve avoiding all areas of civilisation.
Have a little jaunt around some countryside.
Get spotted.
And make a hasty retreat.

The odds are very much in favour of alien life out there.
But given the age of the universe, how briefly we have been around etc.

The probability of any existing species making a little hoon to visit us - while we are still surviving as a species is remarkably thin.

And if you are thinking SR71 - you might have spotted Aurora.

Eric Mc

122,699 posts

271 months

Sunday 25th October 2015
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5,531 posts

165 months

Sunday 25th October 2015
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My wife and I saw a very fast object at about a mile away at 500ft altitude. No idea what it was but it was one of those "did you just see what I just saw" moments.

It was unidentified by us and flying and so fast you would have missed it in a blink.

Doubt we will ever see anything like it again and felt lucky to have seen it one.

I'm not saying it was aliens.


788 posts

217 months

Sunday 25th October 2015
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I've seen several. Then it gets a bit closer and I can usually identify it. I work at an airport.


16,368 posts

190 months

Sunday 25th October 2015
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I saw one - remained a mystery for about a week:

I was staying on the eastern part of the Bay of Lubeck, and occasionally over the western side I'd see a silver dot moving across the sky, over the sea and back, always followed by a horizontal line slightly behind and below. Through binoculars it was no clearer since the range was too great.

I never thought it was anything exotic, but it did bug me.

On the last day of my stay, a light aircraft towing a banner advertising a circus flow over the beach, out to sea and back again...


2,492 posts

152 months

Sunday 25th October 2015
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When I was living in New Zealand last year, I was sitting on the deck and saw a yellow object just above the horizon seemingly hovering and changing colour & shape... Looked to be over the sea and just looked odd somehow.
Freaked me out for a couple of minutes until I realised it was a kite laughrolleyes


2,348 posts

128 months

Monday 26th October 2015
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Eric Mc said:

: )

Einion Yrth

19,575 posts

250 months

Monday 26th October 2015
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HewManHeMan said:
Eric Mc said:
Does seem a bit odd; I've seen countless things I couldn't identify. None of them gave me any reason to believe they weren't of terrestrial origin though.

Eric Mc

122,699 posts

271 months

Monday 26th October 2015
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HewManHeMan said:
Eric Mc said:

: )

I can't recall seeing anything that I couldn't reasonably work out what it most likely was. Of course, sometimes an object is too far away to be absolutely positively identified - but that could be anything whether it's on the ground or in the sky.


2,348 posts

128 months

Monday 26th October 2015
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Einion Yrth said:
HewManHeMan said:
Eric Mc said:
Does seem a bit odd; I've seen countless things I couldn't identify. None of them gave me any reason to believe they weren't of terrestrial origin though.
Eric is from the Men in Black.

To the OP, I've had a UFO 'experience' but it was simply an 'unexplained flying object'. It was weird because in the dead of night surrounded by nothing your mind does some funny things, but that's all there was too it. Like staring into a pitch dark forrest; eventually the trees start to move!

No aliens or monsters were involved. Just an excited and confused brain.

Eric Mc

122,699 posts

271 months

Monday 26th October 2015
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I'll rephrase my answer. I perhaps have seen things that I couldn't positively identify myself as being something specific - but I am aware of certain natural phenomena which give rise to unexpected sightings.

For instance, a few years ago I was looking towards the west and the setting sun and spotted a flash in the sky which came and went in a split second. Now, a lot of people would have been flummoxed by something like this and could have thought they had seen a "UFO". For me personally, even though I didn't know EXACTLY what I had seen I do know that there are logical reasons why you can see a random flash in the sky. Examples would be the sighting of an Iridium satellite. Or sometimes, even something as mundane as a distant aircraft banking or turning can create a bright flash as the sun reflects off its wings or fuselage.

So, technically you could say that I have seen a UFO in that I couldn't positively identify what it was. But to me it was something ordinary just seen in unusual circumstances.

As I said, seeing something that is a long way away will mean you might not be able to identify it properly - whether it's aeroplane, a spacecraft, a cow or a car.

daddy cool

4,018 posts

235 months

Monday 26th October 2015
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Goldsworth Park, Woking, mid-90's - around 10:30pm, me and a mate (~16 years old) just sitting on a bridge over lockfield drive watching an oval shape with lights around it above us. Both stone cold sober. No idea what it was...

For what its worth, im of the belief that somewhere in the universe there is life (of some sort), though i dont believe we are visited by little green men.


Original Poster:

908 posts

145 months

Monday 26th October 2015
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daddy cool said:
Goldsworth Park, Woking, mid-90's - around 10:30pm, me and a mate (~16 years old) just sitting on a bridge over lockfield drive watching an oval shape with lights around it above us. Both stone cold sober. No idea what it was...
This is the type of thing I'm talking about, things that people have seen that are just downright weird and hard to explain, especially when more than one person has just seen it.
A couple of months ago I was lying on a hammock in the garden watching the perseid metor shower, and just glanced through a tree and probably around 30 degrees above the horizon a bright light changing colour and moving about the place a little, I jumped up and then it hit me straight away that it was quite obviously Sirius I could see, but to someone with little knowledge I could see how they could mistake that for UFO.


5,180 posts

223 months

Monday 26th October 2015
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I've seen plenty of things in the sky that could be deemed unidentified, but like has already been mentioned, I had no inclination to then start thinking it was something not from Earth.

For example, I was on a flight from London to Shanghai a few years ago and on looking out of the window I saw some flashes of light above us. Followed by streaks of light and a dark shape with pointy edges in the distance.
As we were well in to cruising altitude at around 35,000ft, I assumed the "UFOs" would be at something like 60,000 ft or more. Into the part of the sky that looked quite dark in comparison.

A minute later I saw two Russian jets, Su-35s probably, come shooting past at a closer distance that I could just make out their shape.
So instead of taking a leap of faith and claiming Aliens, I just joined up the dots and assumed they were doing some training exercise that involved the use of afterburner and/or flares and/or reflections from the sun.

If I hadn't have seen the jets a minute later I still would not have then started to claim aliens... I presume I would have arrived at a similar conclusion of their being man-made objects/machinery at a higher altitude.


16,177 posts

252 months

Monday 26th October 2015
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For a couple of years I worked from an address in Chiswick and it had a river frontage. I saw a lot of UFOs - unidentified FLOATING objects. Some, at low tide, were left hanging from low tree branches by the falling tide. Occasionally you'd be forgiven for thinking they were fingers from surgical gloves...



760 posts

140 months

Monday 26th October 2015
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jamiem555 said:
I've seen several. Then it gets a bit closer and I can usually identify it. I work at an airport.


11,197 posts

156 months

Wednesday 28th October 2015
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I can remember as a kid seeing a strange light in the Sky which appeared to be following Concorde on landing, I thought it was a bit odd, but I was very young at the time, the only reason I recall it was because there was a big article in the local paper the following week with many UFO reports, which I assume it what I saw.


53,012 posts

189 months

Thursday 29th October 2015
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Supernova190188 said:
As per the title really, have you ever seen a 'UFO'?
Not looking for people to respond to put other people down or call bullst, people know what they've seen, just leave it at that. I'm just interested in hearing peoples stories.
Personally I've seen 2 unusual events, firstly in the summer of either 2000 or 2001 walking across a field with a friend when he spotted a black object very high up, probably around 70/80,000 ft and moving I'd say around 3 or 4 times as fast as a commercial aircraft, I've always thought of this to be some sort of military aircraft possibly an experimental one, I'd have described it as very 'SR-71' like, however these were retired from service in about 98/99.
Secondly, driving back from a meal late one night in 2011 with a girlfriend when over to the right hand side there was a light probably about 400ft up and then another light shot down to the ground from it and then bounced back up to it, this light then roughly followed the road we were going home on, but would go out then appear again and suddenly shoot ahead very quick then stop and disappear again etc, very unusual behaviour.
Also not seen but heard something a little unusual last year when outside talking to a neighbour a very loud booming noise that seemed to come from very high up and sounded distant, not many other houses around the area as I'm in the middle of rural Wales.

I'm very open minded about these things, but I'd put my experiences down to some sort of human related activity probably military, but remember that 'UFO' relates to anything 'unidentified' it doesn't mean aliens, but on a side note personally I think it's almost impossible for there not to be other intelligent life out there given the sheer scale of the galaxy alone never mind the universe! It's just that the distances involved are so mind-bogglingly vast that it's hard to imagine any way of being able to travel them in a reasonable time, but this isn't to say that some advanced civilisation has worked around these in a way that may seem unimaginable to us, just as things we can do nowadays would seem impossible to people living only 100 years ago.
I've seen a few UFOs, never seen anything (conclusive in my mind) that I think might be a flying saucer.
A fella I knew (engineer nuts and bolts type, very matter-of-fact down-to-earth) told me a story of a flying saucer he saw in the early 80s. He was a teenager, his whole street saw it. They wandered outside and were witnesses to bizarre aerial activity for 10 minutes or so. Two (or three I cannot recall) items zipping all over, becoming seemingly one item, travelling at inhuman speeds across the sky and then making seemingly impossible turns. Like a computer graphic. Then they joined and whizzed off at greater speed into space.


2,206 posts

171 months

Thursday 29th October 2015
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I saw a ufo once, but it landed so then it was a uo. Then I realised what it was so it was just an o.