


Original Poster:

7,559 posts

229 months

Tuesday 10th January 2012
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Whats your favorite flavour?


3,583 posts

228 months

Tuesday 10th January 2012
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I like them a bit strange.


22,907 posts

249 months

Tuesday 10th January 2012
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dmitsi said:
I like them a bit strange.
Charmed, I'm sure.


3,455 posts

183 months

Tuesday 10th January 2012
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I like bottom...

Mr E

22,131 posts

267 months

Tuesday 10th January 2012
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Up, for me.


14,343 posts

206 months

Tuesday 10th January 2012
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down thanks smile


73,668 posts

263 months

Tuesday 10th January 2012
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I don't trust them at all. Not only do they not know if they are up or down, but their rules of acquisition make them slippery buggers. Best avoid.


14,343 posts

206 months

Tuesday 10th January 2012
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Omegle time :

You're now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:

Whats your favorite Quark?

Stranger 2: strange

Stranger 2: that is all

Stranger 1: What's quark

Stranger 2: a quark is smaller than a proton

Stranger 2: well, within a proton, usually six of them

Stranger 1: st question

Stranger 2: i disagree

Stranger 2: its a very interesting question

Stranger 1 has disconnected