The dedicated Science/Space thread!

The dedicated Science/Space thread!



17,199 posts

193 months

Thursday 12th January 2012
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NismoGT said:
MiniMan64 said:
The ones I find really intrguing are the "dark planets" that the Japanesse found recently, they're really odd.
Whats that then?
The use of the word dark was perhaps misleading on my part, I was refering to the interstellar planets they reckon are out there.


73,668 posts

258 months

Thursday 12th January 2012
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yes No matter what happens in science, you know it will increase our knowledge base. If something is predicted and evidence backs it up, superb. If it doesn't we know it will be looked at that little bit harder to figure it out, and reassess.


2,592 posts

176 months

Friday 13th January 2012
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R300will said:
Oxford uni interview question for physics buffs out there. Me and a friend (who had the interview) worked it out one bored physics lesson back in the day.

Q: How many photons are emitted from a 60W lightbulb every second? must show working.

Good luck smile
I'll have a bash (back of a fag packet):

Light build emits 10% of power as EMR, therefore 6W (=6 J/s)
Assume the light has a wavelength of 500 nm

Energy of a photon = h.f = h . c/wavelength = 6E-34 * 3E8 / 500E-9 = 4E-19 J

6 W = 6 J/s, therefore requires 6/4E-19 = 1E19 photons.


73,668 posts

258 months

Saturday 14th January 2012
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So more than 4 then? scratchchin



24,818 posts

261 months

Saturday 14th January 2012
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Why a "dedicated science/space thread"? We have a whole forum!!!


17,199 posts

193 months

Saturday 14th January 2012
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dickymint said:
Why a "dedicated science/space thread"? We have a whole forum!!!
I believe it was started before the new place opened for business.


24,818 posts

261 months

Saturday 14th January 2012
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MiniMan64 said:
dickymint said:
Why a "dedicated science/space thread"? We have a whole forum!!!
I believe it was started before the new place opened for business.
Aha! That'll be it then. Ta.