Stargazing Live BBC2 8.30pm

Stargazing Live BBC2 8.30pm



29,460 posts

192 months

Wednesday 18th January 2012
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A very funny bit in the chat afterwards.. I won't spoil it though smile

Good show, liked it.. Could easily do a full week of it rather than just 3 days. Every 6 months or so.


Original Poster:

7,259 posts

171 months

Wednesday 18th January 2012
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Cheers peeps, look forward to it.
They had the news on in the background in the pub showing that town with all the lights off. They should have done that the first night when they had clear sky's.

Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Wednesday 18th January 2012
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don4l said:
Tonight's programme was the best of the three, IMHO.

I get annoyed when they present "consensus" as "fact".

Tonight, they really concentrated on "observations" instead of "facts". It made riveting viewing.

The Scouser asked some really good questions.

The viewing figures suggest that the public have an appetite for this sort of thing. Maybe, we are not as "dumbed down" as BBC executives would have us believe.

They can't think we're all dumbed down or they wouldn't have made the programmes - or made it the cover feature of this week's Radio Times.


10,058 posts

179 months

Wednesday 18th January 2012
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Eric Mc said:
don4l said:
Tonight's programme was the best of the three, IMHO.

I get annoyed when they present "consensus" as "fact".

Tonight, they really concentrated on "observations" instead of "facts". It made riveting viewing.

The Scouser asked some really good questions.

The viewing figures suggest that the public have an appetite for this sort of thing. Maybe, we are not as "dumbed down" as BBC executives would have us believe.
They can't think we're all dumbed down or they wouldn't have made the programmes - or made it the cover feature of this week's Radio Times.
3 nights a year?

Really? The BBC treat us like idiots.

My OH isn't interested in science, but even she enjoyed the shows.



1,634 posts

193 months

Thursday 19th January 2012
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jbudgie said:
What was the App you used ?
Google Skysearch i think. Point it at the sky , and it tells you exactly what is there.

Excellent app. And it was free!

Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Thursday 19th January 2012
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don4l said:
3 nights a year?

Really? The BBC treat us like idiots.

My OH isn't interested in science, but even she enjoyed the shows.

They have The Sky at Night every month - plus a few space documentaries (Horizon etc) throughout the year.
BBC4 has had quite a few space related documentaries.

They certainly feature far more science and space than any other terrestrial/mainstream channels.
They also publish The Sky at Night magazine.


1,896 posts

244 months

Thursday 19th January 2012
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Can anyone help me with details of the substance Dara was handling in episode two? The Aquaphobic gel?


29,460 posts

192 months

Thursday 19th January 2012
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humpbackmaniac said:
Can anyone help me with details of the substance Dara was handling in episode two? The Aquaphobic gel?


1,896 posts

244 months

Thursday 19th January 2012
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You are a Star! (thats a pun, I made a funny!)


20,854 posts

278 months

Thursday 19th January 2012
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Unless there is something I am missing, on the programme they credited two viewers with discovery of the planet.

but now ......
Beeb Website said:
A viewer who answered the call has helped spot a world that appears to be circling a star dubbed SPH10066540.
"A viewer"


What happened to the other one? scratchchin