The Moon Mission


Jim H

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192 months

Friday 31st May
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Have we had the wool pulled over our eyes?

I had a good chat with a very accomplished physicist- and extremely wealthy guy because of.

He’d been working out, you actually need to know GPS on the moon.

You can kinda of work out vertical speed. But horizontal - no chance.

Phones back then were like of cogs and ratchets. Nothing like the tech available now.

Nothing has been out of near earth orbit for decades.

Actually nothing has been that far ever!

To go that far ? I’m sorry.

The wisdom of Pistonheads.

Convince me.

Jim H

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1,018 posts

192 months

Saturday 1st June
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TeaNoSugar said:
Jim H said:
Have we had the wool pulled over our eyes?

I had a good chat with a very accomplished physicist- and extremely wealthy guy because of.

He’d been working out, you actually need to know GPS on the moon.

You can kinda of work out vertical speed. But horizontal - no chance.

Phones back then were like of cogs and ratchets. Nothing like the tech available now.

Nothing has been out of near earth orbit for decades.

Actually nothing has been that far ever!

To go that far ? I’m sorry.

The wisdom of Pistonheads.

Convince me.
What a ridiculous post. Nothings been out of near-earth orbit for decades?

Why not spend 1 minute googling like I did.

1st result, Wikipedia -
List of solar system probes: hundreds in the last 30 years
Missions to Mars: there’ve been 20 mars orbiters or landers in the last 30 years.
What about the space telescopes? Hubble and James Webb telescopes.
Steady on chap.

I’m talking about actual Manned vehicles.

The Hubble repair was about at the limit of what was possible for the Shuttle.

Jim H

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1,018 posts

192 months

Saturday 1st June
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I think I’ve ruffled a few feathers with this one

Jim H

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1,018 posts

192 months

Saturday 1st June
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robscot said:
Jim H said:
I think I’ve ruffled a few feathers with this one
I think people are laughing at you, not with you.
Hi Rob.

At the end of the day this forum is just that.

A place where you can have a viewpoint.

Getting laughed at? Water of a ducks back.

Jim H

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1,018 posts

192 months

Saturday 1st June
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Josh Rogan has done some really good podcasts on this subject.

I admit he can be frustrating because he can flip in his view.

But the whole Stanley Kubrick association with this is extremely interesting.

Jim H

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1,018 posts

192 months

Saturday 1st June
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Mr E said:
Jim H said:
But the whole Stanley Kubrick association with this is extremely interesting.

If Kubrick was filming it he’d insist on actually going to get the lighting right.
That is funny and something to be laughed at!

Guys, I really don’t want to upset anyone on here.

I really don’t.

I didn’t post without thinking. I just thought it was a valid talking point with some very intelligent people. And would provoke debate.

With our current understanding of technology.

Bloody hell I’ve been called out on this.

Sir Eric. (MC)

I will follow your advice.

Jim H

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1,018 posts

192 months

Saturday 1st June
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bhstewie said:
Jim H said:
That is funny and something to be laughed at!

Guys, I really don’t want to upset anyone on here.

I really don’t.

I didn’t post without thinking. I just thought it was a valid talking point with some very intelligent people. And would provoke debate.

With our current understanding of technology.

Bloody hell I’ve been called out on this.

Sir Eric. (MC)

I will follow your advice.
I think it's one of those where if you follow the science it makes sense and if you just use common sense with all the people involved wouldn't you have thought just one of them might have kept some evidence or done some kind of "deathbed confession"?

I'm sure this wasn't your intention but it also seems slightly disrespectful to the memories of various dead aviators and astronauts to suggest the thing they died pursuing was all some sort of elaborate hoax.
Thanks Stewie.

That’s exactly the concise response I was looking for with this.

This thread turned into - who is your mate?

As if I’d say that on here.

Would you guy’s? Answer that Seriously.

I’ve been properly roasted on this. It was just a viewpoint that didn’t go with the narrative.

It’s not real life on here. It’s a place you can have a chat with blokes.

Jim H

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1,018 posts

192 months

Saturday 1st June
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98elise said:
Jim H said:
Mr E said:
Jim H said:
But the whole Stanley Kubrick association with this is extremely interesting.

If Kubrick was filming it he’d insist on actually going to get the lighting right.
That is funny and something to be laughed at!

Guys, I really don’t want to upset anyone on here.

I really don’t.

I didn’t post without thinking. I just thought it was a valid talking point with some very intelligent people. And would provoke debate.

With our current understanding of technology.

Bloody hell I’ve been called out on this.

Sir Eric. (MC)

I will follow your advice.
Why make up the stuff about the physicist though?
I didn’t make it up.

Jim H

Original Poster:

1,018 posts

192 months

Saturday 1st June
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Jim H

Original Poster:

1,018 posts

192 months

Saturday 1st June
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I’m talking about the sixties.

No Carbon Fibre. No CFD. Little knowledge about aerodynamics. No advanced Electrical Systems (I’m talking about the phone)

And this massive firework just set off and travelled all those miles. What is it nearly 300 K?

Stopped right on point.Ejected a capsule. Lowered one man down onto a place that was little understood. Perfectly took off again.

Used gravity to get back?

I’m going to look this up.

I’m sure Werner Von Braun said that the fuel to get there would be impossible

Think again.

The sixties remember.

Jim H

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1,018 posts

192 months

Saturday 1st June
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I’ve been having a right giggle to myself about this today.

I think it was Chevron picked up on.

It was a late night thought. Obviously wine laden.

But, it did kick off a bit of a st show! It kept us all entertained

And some very interesting points of view.

My true intention

Jim H

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1,018 posts

192 months

Saturday 1st June
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Wow I’ve kicked one off here - haven’t I .

Jim H

Original Poster:

1,018 posts

192 months

Saturday 1st June
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This thread just keeps giving

I’m still laughing like hell at it.

What started out as a bit of pissed up musing

It’s pulled all and sundry out !

Pistonheads keeps providing
Night gentlemen.

Jim H

Original Poster:

1,018 posts

192 months

Sunday 2nd June
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I’d really like to thank Eric sincerely for all his posts on this - fascinating stuff.

Like I said, I was a little bit worse-the-wear. Bored. And I needed some entertainment and reading material.

Do I think it actually happened?

Come on gents? I’m not that stupid.FFS.

Couple of things that I’d like to say: my friend that everyone doubts. And I’m not going to reveal.

I’d say he’s on the spectrum somewhat.There is, a very fine line between a genius - and a madman.

Lastly, there are some very nasty posters on here. Particularly some of the newer ones.

I thought NP&E could be fairly toxic. This one has really opened my eyes.

Jim H

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1,018 posts

192 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Hi Eric. I hope you are ok.

I posted in the lounge originally ( as you know) Because I wasn’t being entirely serious.I’d never insult anyone in the science section.

Jim H

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1,018 posts

192 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Eric Mc said:
Jim H said:
Hi Eric. I hope you are ok.

I posted in the lounge originally ( as you know) Because I wasn’t being entirely serious.I’d never insult anyone in the science section.
I'm fine.

I was thinking that if you were after sensible answers to sensible questions, the Science Forum would be the best place. The problem is that the loons followed the topic over here.

If you genuinely want to learn about Apollo, this is the right place to be.

I have given a number of public talks on various aspects of Apollo (and the related parallel; programmes (Mercury, Gemini, Lunar Orbiter, Lunar Surveyor) so, even if I say so myself, I have a pretty good understanding and background knowledge of most aspects of the American space programme from 1958 (the formation of NASA) right through to today.
‘The loons’ rofl

Jim H

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1,018 posts

192 months

Sunday 2nd June
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Eric Mc said:
I think, as punishment, Jim H needs to stand in the corner and learn, off by heart, the crew names of all the Apollo moon missions i.e.

Apollo 8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 17.
I'll cut him a break by not forcing him to learn the names of the crews who didn't fly to the moon i.e. -

Apollo 7 - Schirra, Cunningham, Eisle
Apollo 9 - Scott, Schweickart, McDivitt

(I'm ignoring Skylab and ASTP).

I think that’s absolutely brilliant.biglaugh

I’ve got some swatting up to do haven’t I ?
When is the exam?

Good night fella. And again, thank you ever so much for the fascinating information you posted.

You took the time and effort - huge respect to you.

Jim H

Original Poster:

1,018 posts

192 months

Thursday 6th June
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Understandably It’s going take to take a ‘giant leap’ for yourself. I understand.

But, Ken.

But perhaps you should get over yourself ?

Jim H

Original Poster:

1,018 posts

192 months

Thursday 6th June
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Mods. With respect and I do apologise.

Can you please delete the thread completely.

It’s adding no value.

Shame really some great stuff by Eric.

Jim H

Original Poster:

1,018 posts

192 months

Friday 7th June
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Scrump / Eric totally agree

There was just a bit of nastiness last night. I’d never ever come on here for that and mostly like to keep life a bit light-hearted (if one can). It’s just ugly when it goes wrong. As is already acknowledged, it was posted in the Lounge originally

It’s a fascinating forum this, every area - so much knowledge and information out there.

It was a stupid post to start off with, but it did provoke a bit of debate.

Which we all have our own thoughts, and our own points of view..

I think that should always be the case. And respectfully.

But resorting to nastiness and challenging integrity. That’s pretty poor.

I’d never do that.