UFO Thread



27,428 posts

282 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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Can anyone think of a single instance in history when a relatively advanced civilization met a less advanced one, and it didn't go extremely badly for the less advanced one?


5,474 posts

58 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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Ayahuasca said:
Can anyone think of a single instance in history when a relatively advanced civilization met a less advanced one, and it didn't go extremely badly for the less advanced one?
Hull City beat Man U in 2017.


4,158 posts

210 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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Eric Mc said:
105.4 said:
I’m quite surprised by your tack on this subject matter Eric, (that’s not meant as a slight btw). I guess I just figured you wrong.

Until a few years ago I would have been highly sceptical of any unidentified flying object sightings. Then the tic-tack video came out, followed by interviews with one of the pilots involved, followed by the US Government admitting it didn’t have a clue what these things were.

Now, I’m not saying it’s E.T, but I would be interested to know what other people think a lot of these recent sightings are.

Secret USA tech?
Secret tech from other nations?
Natural phenomena?
Fantasy musings from idiots?
Or E.T?

When it comes to flight aircraft, I think it would be fair to say that you know more than most Eric. Have you seen any of the recent military surveillance footage? Have you listened to any of the interviews from the Navy pilots involved? What would you hazard a guess what these various unknown objects are?
I've spent decades being a "sky watcher" due to my hobbies and interests so will have inordinately more "sky" knowledge than the average punter and I have NEVER seen anything in the sky that could not be explained by the ordinary and the mundane.

Most people who spot "UFOs" are generally sky ignorant and relatively unaware of the types of things they might see if they looked more often or paid attention to the sky.

As for mysterious military aircraft, yes, they can exist and have done so in the past. They eventually emerge from hiding and get properly revealed for what they are. You generally need to be in the right area where such experimental craft are being tested to see them - so gawking upwards from the Basingstoke Tesco's car park is not likely to reveal to you the latest in ultra secret hypersonic drones (or whatever) technology.

The vast bulk of people who are enthusiastic about linking things they don't understand in the sky to aliens and alien technology are essentially misguided and ignorant with a "wish fulfilment" attitude. They WANT these things THEY don't understand to be something dramatic and important.
One of the videos of the 'Tic Tac' UFO explains how it disappeared from radar, to only appear again 80 miles away, in less than a second. So that's about 300,000 miles per hour (if it's the same tic-tac vehicle).

If a government has this technology, be it the US or Russia, do you think they'd still be spending billions sending rocket-fuelled launch vehicles into space at great expense, and celebrating so enthusiastically at flying a self propelled helicopter on Mars?

How many people do you think would be involved in creating the 'tic tac', if the moon landing took more than 250,000 scientists, manufacturers, laborers etc?

In the race for space, very little was kept hidden for long between the two competing nations.

So you're saying that, even with the known history of human/drone space flight, a group of scientists have managed to keep incredibly advanced new tech hidden from everyone else, possibly for decades at this point, and that anyone even hinting at the idea that it's alien technology, despite the vastness of space, is ignorant?

I don't know what these flying vehicles are but I'm not going to exclaim that anyone who thinks they are alien tech is "ignorant", whilst not actually offering my own theory on what they are.

Eric Mc

122,392 posts

268 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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I don't offer wild, mad and loony theories because that would put me in the same boat as those who seem to think they are alien artifacts. Mad and dopey ideas are mad and dopey - no matter who is doing the speculating.


9,631 posts

258 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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daveco said:
One of the videos of the 'Tic Tac' UFO explains how it disappeared from radar, to only appear again 80 miles away, in less than a second. So that's about 300,000 miles per hour (if it's the same tic-tac vehicle).
I don't know what these flying vehicles are but I'm not going to exclaim that anyone who thinks they are alien tech is "ignorant", whilst not actually offering my own theory on what they are.
I haven't seen the video in question. But on the scale of "glitchy radar system" to "aliens!" I know where my money is.


9,631 posts

258 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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fesuvious said:
Eric Mc said:
I don't offer wild, mad and loony theories because that would put me in the same boat as those who seem to think they are alien artifacts. Mad and dopey ideas are mad and dopey - no matter who is doing the speculating.
Edward Charles Pickering said similar back in 1909.
He was wrong. He thought any further pursuit of larger telescopes was a fools errand.

'extraordinary conservatism keeps us extraordinarily ignorant'

Avi Loeb, page 102 ' Extraterrestrial '
Nobody here has said that large telescopes are mad and dopey. There are a number of exceedingly serious and well-funded programs with the explicit aim of looking for extra-terrestrial life and if, for example, SETI is an example of "extraordinary conservatism" then I'm not sure we're going to agree on anything very much.

It is interesting though that none of these serious programs take much notice of glitchy radar and swamp gas explosions.

Eric Mc

122,392 posts

268 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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"Rigorous thought and rigorous proof keeps us sane" - Eric Mc.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - someone smarter than me.


24,434 posts

116 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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Eric Mc said:
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - someone smarter than me.
I think that was Carl Sagan, who was smarter than pretty much everyone!


4,158 posts

210 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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Eric Mc said:
"Rigorous thought and rigorous proof keeps us sane" - Eric Mc.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - someone smarter than me.
I'm stating your statement that these UFOs are man made vehicles is more extraordinary than someone suggesting that they might be alien vehicles.

And it's not an extraordinary claim at all to suggest that flying objects that are significantly faster and more maneuverable than anything man made might be of alien origin.

Eric Mc

122,392 posts

268 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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daveco said:
I'm stating your statement that these UFOs are man made vehicles is more extraordinary than someone suggesting that they might be alien vehicles.

And it's not an extraordinary claim at all to suggest that flying objects that are significantly faster and more maneuverable than anything man made might be of alien origin.
It's loony -end of.

Supply some proof. If not - it's just the idle nonsense of a gullible brain..


9,631 posts

258 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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fesuvious said:
'Extraordinary claims do not require extraordinary evidence. They only require 'evidence', no?'

Avi Loeb, same page, same book
That rather depends on your definition of "evidence". Peer-reviewed, repeatable, and backed by solid scientific grounding would seem to be a decent place to start I'd reckon.

daveco said:
I'm stating your statement that these UFOs are man made vehicles is more extraordinary than someone suggesting that they might be alien vehicles.

And it's not an extraordinary claim at all to suggest that flying objects that are significantly faster and more maneuverable than anything man made might be of alien origin.
As above. Show me solid evidence of flying objects that are significantly faster and more manoeuvrable than anything man made and we can talk.


6,700 posts

106 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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daveco said:
One of the videos of the 'Tic Tac' UFO explains how it disappeared from radar, to only appear again 80 miles away, in less than a second. So that's about 300,000 miles per hour (if it's the same tic-tac vehicle).

If a government has this technology, be it the US or Russia, do you think they'd still be spending billions sending rocket-fuelled launch vehicles into space at great expense, and celebrating so enthusiastically at flying a self propelled helicopter on Mars?
The flaw in the assumption is that it is the same object. It might not be. You could simulate this with 2 stealth aircraft and an observer. The observer is tracking Stealth Aircraft 1, which has its weapons bay wide open, and it running at full power. So you have a decent thermal return and radar return. Stealth one closes its doors and cuts power. It vanishes. At the same time, Stealth 2 opens its weapons bay and lights up the afterburners. Wow, it has “jumped” 80 miles. So it could be a drill that someone is doing to confuse ground radar.

Alternatively, it could be deliberate spoofing of radar returns. Stealth works by reflecting radar energy in every direction other than back to the observer. What if they are working on something that reflects a signal in such a way that it thinks the object is 80 miles away from reality? That would be pretty handy to have, rather than just being invisible, you’d get the enemy attacking stuff (and revealing their position as they do so) that literally wasn’t there.

So there you have 2 plausible explanations that don’t involve FTL travel and aliens.


4,158 posts

210 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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Eric Mc said:
daveco said:
I'm stating your statement that these UFOs are man made vehicles is more extraordinary than someone suggesting that they might be alien vehicles.

And it's not an extraordinary claim at all to suggest that flying objects that are significantly faster and more maneuverable than anything man made might be of alien origin.
It's loony -end of.

Supply some proof. If not - it's just the idle nonsense of a gullible brain..
Here's a retired navy commander explaining his interaction with a 'tic-tac'. I know given your infinite wisdom and superior intelligence that you probably won't watch it and dismiss it as 'loony' stuff for gullible brains, so I'll summarize what he says.

-A fighter pilot who watches a UFO 'tic tac' disappear in front of his eyes
-A fighter pilot who thinks it isn't human technology
-A former director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program stating that these vehicles have "no obvious signs of propulsion and are able to defy the natural effects of earth's gravity"
-That same director is 99% certain that it isn't foreign/adversarial technology

Now for the sake of clarity, I'm saying it could be human tech, OR it could be alien tech. I'm of the opinion it is likely unmanned human tech.

I'm not arrogant/stupid enough to dismiss one or the other, which you are appearing to do with 100% conviction.

Edited by daveco on Wednesday 28th April 13:44


3,990 posts

260 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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You will never have a sensible grown-up discussion with Eric on this topic. He always gets hooked up on the "aliens" thing when somebody wants to talk about ultra-advanced flying craft seemingly beyond the comprehension of the average person, fighter pilot, admiral or director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.

The fact that he hasn't seen anything unusual with his 10x50 bins from his back yard in Farnborough trumps all that.

Edited by RegMolehusband on Wednesday 28th April 15:36


4,175 posts

74 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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And back we go to arguing the toss banghead

Chill out fellas. It’s only the internet. I’d much rather read posts from those more intelligent / knowledgeable than I, trying to rationally figure out what these thing are or are not, than read through pages of petty bickering.


5,474 posts

58 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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105.4 said:
And back we go to arguing the toss banghead

Chill out fellas. It’s only the internet. I’d much rather read posts from those more intelligent / knowledgeable than I, trying to rationally figure out what these thing are or are not, than read through pages of petty bickering.

Here you go.

Eric Mc

122,392 posts

268 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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It's not an appropriate topic for the Science forum. It's about peoples' fantasies , wishful thinking and pure guessing. There is no rational, scientific discussion to be had.

It belongs in The Lounge where most of the nonsense gets posted.


27,428 posts

282 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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Eric, you OK? You seem to be a bit angry at things just lately.

What’s the harm in a science-lite discussion about UFOs?


4,175 posts

74 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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take-good-care-of-the-forest-dewey said:
Thank you smile

Eric Mc

122,392 posts

268 months

Wednesday 28th April 2021
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Ayahuasca said:
Eric, you OK? You seem to be a bit angry at things just lately.

What’s the harm in a science-lite discussion about UFOs?
It’s definitely science-lite.
I can agree on that.