Northern lIghts in se England?

Northern lIghts in se England?



1,123 posts

46 months

Saturday 11th May
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sherman said:
You could see grey streaks in the night sky in Edinburgh.
Looked a bit like dim search lights
There were a couple of minutes that I could see them quite clearly and brightly but had to go down to Arthur's Seat for reduced light pollution to see them.

I'm assuming someone has done themselves a mischief on Arthur's Seat going by how much time the helicopter spent circling the area.


4,227 posts

100 months

Saturday 11th May
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Flumpo said:
So, quick question. It didn’t look that impressive at all to my naked eye. But I am a bit colourblind. Whereas my phone camera without any special settings says it looked like this, is it my eyes?!

Camera will pick it up better. All these nice photos, squint your eyes a bit and that's what the naked will see.

eg, I could make out a light green and light purple in the sky, but the camera can bring it out even better. Squint your eyes a bit at my pics, that's pretty much what I could see with the naked eye.

Was really cool to see the Northern light for the 1st time ever. My son is into astronomy (me too tbh, but he's going to study astrophysics in the Autumn) so needless to say we were excited about it. Took loads of pics and time lapse videos.

I might never see them again so I'm delighted that their was minimal cloud around tonight.


24,878 posts

163 months

Saturday 11th May
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Epsom, Surrey


1,589 posts

244 months

Saturday 11th May
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From Surrey this evening.

None of your over exposed and processed pics here!

Took the big camera out and apart from some noise reduction these are quite faithful to the naked eye from here.

Incredible sight to see!


6,229 posts

209 months

Saturday 11th May
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Here in Chigwell, Essex inside the M25

And from the other half at her Bro's house in Chelmsford

No where near as spectacular to the naked eye but still amazing to see.


2,056 posts

200 months

Saturday 11th May
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Great wasn't it!!! Mind blown tonight despite several mediocre trips to Iceland. ...I'm still up watching!


24,878 posts

163 months

Saturday 11th May
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I was watching it, trying to distinguish the colours and memorise it for about 20 minutes before I learned of the camera trick!

To the eye it looked noticeably green to the north, and outwards to the east and west it graduated purple and then red grape. Through the camera it was neon turquoise to magenta.

nessiemac said:
Yeah, like that!

Edited by Hustle_ on Saturday 11th May 01:08


2,660 posts

59 months

Saturday 11th May
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Perth, next road up to me

In Longforgan...

This is the tent where the Beer Festival is being held tomorrow

Got sent these from a work colleague in Ipswich


2,056 posts

200 months

Saturday 11th May
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they're just starting again now


750 posts

168 months

Saturday 11th May
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rallye101 said:
they're just starting again now
Yup, saw the brightness increase again, but cloud had moved in diffusing the curtains.

Should call it a night, few hundred shots taken!


6,229 posts

209 months

Saturday 11th May
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For some reason this channel has a slight end of world slant but some interesting science nonetheless, just ignore the bks


57,085 posts

207 months

Saturday 11th May
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Too much light pollution to see it by eye here (wish I was at my house) but the camera picks it up.


1,981 posts

67 months

Saturday 11th May
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I have zero light pollution in north Cornwall, it was a near totally clear night too. The colours visible to the naked eye were incredible!
These were with a 3 second exposure


1,351 posts

44 months

Saturday 11th May
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Stussy said:
I have zero light pollution in north Cornwall, it was a near totally clear night too. The colours visible to the naked eye were incredible!
These were with a 3 second exposure

These photos are superb!



17,199 posts

193 months

Saturday 11th May
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These were in the middle of Plymouth! Never in a million years did I think I’d see something this far south or in the middle of a city!

Hoping for more tonight and might head up to Dartmoor but depends on the Sun…

Ian Geary

Original Poster:

4,588 posts

195 months

Saturday 11th May
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Spent the evening fitting 14 downlights in the kitchen and went to bed knackered at midnight.

Woke up to these pics from my local Facebook group

That will teach me not to not trust the Daily Mail..


7,946 posts

220 months

Saturday 11th May
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Even with the world's worst smartphone camera I was able to capture this.

Unbelievable to see with the naked eye even if the snap didn't capture as much detail as my eyes could see

Jazzy Jag

3,452 posts

94 months

Saturday 11th May
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I'm not looking at that.

I've seen Day of the Triffids



2,177 posts

40 months

Saturday 11th May
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Imagine rainbows only happened at certain locations, would we flock there? Is this more technically impressive for some reason?

Watched it last night through my phone but could feel Charlie Brooke’s taking notes so did some star gazing with my eyes instead.

Don’t get it


17,199 posts

193 months

Saturday 11th May
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It’s a lot rarer than a rainbow!

About 30 kids from work went to Iceland recently to see and saw nothing. A month later and they can see it in their garden at home!