SpaceX (Vol. 2)



16,670 posts

239 months

Thursday 6th June
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Eric Mc said:
CraigyMc said:
Ship is orbital.
Not quite.

It's not intended to be fully orbital as they want it to renter without completing a full orbit.
I think everyone's aware of that, Eric. It's at 26400km/h.

Unfortunately its attitude is not under control, looks to be venting from the hot end the same as on IFT3.


16,670 posts

239 months

Thursday 6th June
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The "on hold" music while starship travels is the same blue danube as on stanley kubrick's "2001: a space odyssey". Nice.


17,224 posts

193 months

Thursday 6th June
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Have they lost it?

Eric Mc

122,435 posts

268 months

Thursday 6th June
quotequote all
CraigyMc said:
I think everyone's aware of that, Eric. It's at 26400km/h.

Unfortunately its attitude is not under control, looks to be venting from the hot end the same as on IFT3.
Well, you DID say it was in orbit when it's not really. It's definitely in space though.

Orbital velocity at the altitude they are at is around 28,000 kmh.


16,670 posts

239 months

Thursday 6th June
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MiniMan64 said:
Have they lost it?
Puerto rico lost access to the telemetry, and the video isn't broadcasting out via starlink so it's feasible something's gone badly wrong.

To be honest, when it started slewing (right after engine shutoff) that was a really bad sign.

Lets see what happens in the next half an hour.

Discendo Discimus

443 posts

35 months

Thursday 6th June
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Live stream is paused for approx 30 mins while the Starship coasts, next update will be when it attempts to land.
I don't think they've lost it although it did seem like they were having issues just before the signal went.


16,670 posts

239 months

Thursday 6th June
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Discendo Discimus said:
Live stream is paused for approx 30 mins while the Starship coasts, next update will be when it attempts to land.
I don't think they've lost it although it did seem like they were having issues just before the signal went.
They may not do any attitude control until the tanks have boiled off, then correct it in whatever attitude it's in, but the lack of telemetry is bothersome.


4,220 posts

266 months

Thursday 6th June
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They still seem to have telemetry as the speed and altitude are updating.
I found it odd that the sea level engines kept firing for a while after the vacuum engines shut down - is that expected...? scratchchin


16,670 posts

239 months

Thursday 6th June
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AJLintern said:
They still seem to have telemetry as the speed and altitude are updating.
I found it odd that the sea level engines kept firing for a while after the vacuum engines shut down - is that expected...? scratchchin
The sealevel engines can throttle down to a lower thrust level than the vac one while in vaccuum, so it you're trying to hit a really specific velocity you'd use the more fine-grained option, which is what they appear to have done.


16,670 posts

239 months

Thursday 6th June
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Cool. Got video back.


11,413 posts

270 months

Thursday 6th June
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Looks stable now.

Eric Mc

122,435 posts

268 months

Thursday 6th June
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Looks like it's stopped waving about.


16,670 posts

239 months

Thursday 6th June
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Appears to be pitched way up but it's tile-side to the atmosphere, so that's a start...


654 posts

196 months

Thursday 6th June
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Looks very good compared to the last flight


11,413 posts

270 months

Thursday 6th June
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Where is it flying over?


16,670 posts

239 months

Thursday 6th June
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Leithen said:
Where is it flying over?
Namibia, I think.


16,670 posts

239 months

Thursday 6th June
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Plasma appearing..


7,990 posts

220 months

Thursday 6th June
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At least nothing seems to be falling off this time (so far)


654 posts

196 months

Thursday 6th June
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That's amazing

Eric Mc

122,435 posts

268 months

Thursday 6th June
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Speed beginning to come down