The Moon Mission



108 posts

2 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Watch 'The Dish' for a nice lighthearted view of the Australian involvement in the moon landing.

Notch 8

361 posts

11 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Castrol for a knave said:
The problem is, to even pause to question their won beliefs, means damaging the ego. I guess we just have to chip away until the doubt is so strong, they have to look objectively. A Damascene conversion is unlikely.

I asked a couple of flat earthers on another forum, if the earth is flat, why are Ukrainian forces accounting for curvature of the earth when firing ATACMS? If the earth is flat, why did the Vulcans need to stop at Ascension for Operation Blackbuckk? Surely, they could have refuelled in Belize, based on the flat earth map

By trying to apply a constant stream of real life questions, which they are unable to answer, is the only way forward...
The flat earth debunk is easy. Looking out to sea on a clear day from Goodrington Sands in Paignton, Devon - the curvature of the earth can be seen.

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

Tuesday 4th June
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If the earth were flat, Instagram would be full of teenagers taking selfies while hanging off the edges & I would absolutely be there for it.


8,120 posts

149 months

Tuesday 4th June
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I'm sure a few of you know I am active in the conspiracy theory room, and in the 'other' rooms often get personal abuse for spouting psycho babble which is rather funny. Its interesting to hear stories of people that moved out of that space (scuse the pun) of paranoia around subjects as I do a lot of reading on the psychology of a conspiracy theorist and fascinated as to why someone perfectly rational in many aspects of life can suddenly for no reason decide on a number of issues believe something completely ridiculous. Not only that, but become advocates for it, almost religious like in their need to convince others.

There is a tonne of work out there if you look for it on why people do this, from their background and environment, to their own personal needs, to susceptibility ranking, to paranoia and fear ranking, along with many other factors. Its pretty well defined but one thing that is clear in these examinations is that arguing and debating is HIGHLY unlikely to change a conspiracy theorists mind. If anything, it only reinforces it.

Castrol for a knave

4,918 posts

94 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Notch 8 said:
Castrol for a knave said:
The problem is, to even pause to question their won beliefs, means damaging the ego. I guess we just have to chip away until the doubt is so strong, they have to look objectively. A Damascene conversion is unlikely.

I asked a couple of flat earthers on another forum, if the earth is flat, why are Ukrainian forces accounting for curvature of the earth when firing ATACMS? If the earth is flat, why did the Vulcans need to stop at Ascension for Operation Blackbuckk? Surely, they could have refuelled in Belize, based on the flat earth map

By trying to apply a constant stream of real life questions, which they are unable to answer, is the only way forward...
The flat earth debunk is easy. Looking out to sea on a clear day from Goodrington Sands in Paignton, Devon - the curvature of the earth can be seen.
Yup, add in the helicopter across the lake experiment and that you can see the curvature on the Lake Pontchartin bridge, or measure the towers bases and tops of the Verezzano or Humber bridges, ad nauseum.

President Merkin

3,852 posts

22 months

Tuesday 4th June
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I've read some stuff around that too. The general whirlygig of it being that under scrutiny, which is often interpreted as attack & often can be, the response is to drive CT guys into each other's arms as a form of coping/survival/defence mechanism, call it what you will. Presenting evidence & facts is not the miracle cure you'd think since you're dealing with positions that are psychologically & emotionally entrenched.


27,138 posts

164 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Notch 8 said:
Castrol for a knave said:
The problem is, to even pause to question their won beliefs, means damaging the ego. I guess we just have to chip away until the doubt is so strong, they have to look objectively. A Damascene conversion is unlikely.

I asked a couple of flat earthers on another forum, if the earth is flat, why are Ukrainian forces accounting for curvature of the earth when firing ATACMS? If the earth is flat, why did the Vulcans need to stop at Ascension for Operation Blackbuckk? Surely, they could have refuelled in Belize, based on the flat earth map

By trying to apply a constant stream of real life questions, which they are unable to answer, is the only way forward...
The flat earth debunk is easy. Looking out to sea on a clear day from Goodrington Sands in Paignton, Devon - the curvature of the earth can be seen.
Yes. Possibly the easiest to disprove. View any tall object over a body of water and it will disappear over the horizon the further away you are.

Set a lazer beam level at a fixed height above sea level, then measure the height at a decent distance away, it will be higher.

There are loads of ways to prove the Earth isn't flat.


10,405 posts

158 months

Tuesday 4th June
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98elise said:
Notch 8 said:
Castrol for a knave said:
The problem is, to even pause to question their won beliefs, means damaging the ego. I guess we just have to chip away until the doubt is so strong, they have to look objectively. A Damascene conversion is unlikely.

I asked a couple of flat earthers on another forum, if the earth is flat, why are Ukrainian forces accounting for curvature of the earth when firing ATACMS? If the earth is flat, why did the Vulcans need to stop at Ascension for Operation Blackbuckk? Surely, they could have refuelled in Belize, based on the flat earth map

By trying to apply a constant stream of real life questions, which they are unable to answer, is the only way forward...
The flat earth debunk is easy. Looking out to sea on a clear day from Goodrington Sands in Paignton, Devon - the curvature of the earth can be seen.
Yes. Possibly the easiest to disprove. View any tall object over a body of water and it will disappear over the horizon the further away you are.

Set a lazer beam level at a fixed height above sea level, then measure the height at a decent distance away, it will be higher.

There are loads of ways to prove the Earth isn't flat.
Wasn't there that video of flat earthers doing tests with a laser beam to show it was flat and ended up disproving their own theory as the laser was higher at one end.


8,120 posts

149 months

Tuesday 4th June
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98elise said:
Yes. Possibly the easiest to disprove. View any tall object over a body of water and it will disappear over the horizon the further away you are.

Set a lazer beam level at a fixed height above sea level, then measure the height at a decent distance away, it will be higher.

There are loads of ways to prove the Earth isn't flat.
But it doesn't matter, because disproving a flat earth doesn't change the mindset, if anything in their head it just proves you are all sheep and believe anything you are told. Ha you fools.

There was a flat earth documentary on Netflix, they got flat earthers to do the laser test across a vast lake, the laser wasn't visible until it was raised higher up to go over the curve. So even though they did a test that THEY THEMSELVES set up which proved a curved earth, those same people are still out there saying the earth is flat.

Its why debating with certain individuals so far down the rabbit hole is pretty pointless and best avoided.


2,852 posts

213 months

Tuesday 4th June
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I just took some flak in the CT thread for posting (tongue-in-cheek) that the thread had descended into a conspiracy-laden affair populated with some increasingly bizarre posts.

Now, whether the 'abuser' missed the tongue-in-cheek bit or whether they are a dyed-in-the-wool CTer, I am yet to discover.

At least rational people (often younger people) take pointing out that they may be wrong/here's why and here is the information you are looking for, in their stride.

CTers, on the other hand, seem to take it as confirmation that you are 'against them' and must be part of the problem.

It is bizarre.

Eric Mc

122,392 posts

268 months

Tuesday 4th June
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CT activists are essentially members of a cult and think along very similar lines to those who become embroiled in such activities.

We know that cult members can become so "taken over" by whatever the cult philosophy dictates that they are willing to die for it.

It has hard, if not impossible, to discuss anything in a rational manner with someone who has given themselves over to such thinking.


13,886 posts

287 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Challo said:
Wasn't there that video of flat earthers doing tests with a laser beam
The only outcome of flat earthers doing tests with a laser beam is going to be a bunch of nuckfuggets stumbling around screaming "my eyes! eyes!"


8,120 posts

149 months

Tuesday 4th June
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eharding said:
Challo said:
Wasn't there that video of flat earthers doing tests with a laser beam
The only outcome of flat earthers doing tests with a laser beam is going to be a bunch of nuckfuggets stumbling around screaming "my eyes! eyes!"
That and that it proved the earth wasn't flat, so of course they dont talk about that anymore

Which is the point, you cannot convince them to change their minds through debate - which is why debating is pointless, you just have to let them exist in their own little bubble of paranoia until they figure stuff out and exit themselves


25,951 posts

196 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Eric Mc said:
Notch 8 said:
The fact that the U.S.S.R tracked the ‘69 mission, and congratulated the U.S.A on landing is also more than noteworthy.
Not only the USSR.

Many, many nations had the capability to track the various Apollo (and other) spacecraft on the way to the moon. In fact, even though the Apollo programme was ostensibly an American effort, it required assistance from institutes and governments from all over the world. Apart from the USA, there were tracking and communications stations in the Canary Islands, Spain, Africa and Australia as well as ship and aircraft filling the gaps (Pacific and Indian Ocean particularly).
And Ascension Island.

Notch 8

361 posts

11 months

Tuesday 4th June
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coldel said:
eharding said:
Challo said:
Wasn't there that video of flat earthers doing tests with a laser beam
The only outcome of flat earthers doing tests with a laser beam is going to be a bunch of nuckfuggets stumbling around screaming "my eyes! eyes!"
That and that it proved the earth wasn't flat, so of course they dont talk about that anymore

Which is the point, you cannot convince them to change their minds through debate - which is why debating is pointless, you just have to let them exist in their own little bubble of paranoia until they figure stuff out and exit themselves
I was having a conversation with a moon landing denier, and as it turned out, a flat earther too. At least he is prepared to be proven wrong though, which is quite refreshing.

Eric Mc

122,392 posts

268 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Indeed - there was lots of tracking going on - some official and some unofficial.

It would have been pretty much impossible to fake such an endeavour as there were so many people and agencies all around the world able to check and monitor what was going.


25,951 posts

196 months

Tuesday 4th June
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It's turtles all the way down.

Gary C

12,732 posts

182 months

Tuesday 4th June
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hidetheelephants said:
It's turtles all the way down.
Yes but who do you think is holding all the infinite turtles


1,713 posts

152 months

Tuesday 4th June
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When the deniers say the boot prints don’t match it’s because they have been shown a picture of the inner souls of the spacesuit. It’s a pitty there isn’t a famous picture showing the bottom of the overboots Buzz wore on the moon.

Wait ….

PS for those deniers who ask who took that picture, it was Neil Armstrong.


26,606 posts

176 months

Tuesday 4th June
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Hang on....