


3,742 posts

47 months

Monday 13th May
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CoolHands said:
His missus fell asleep

The OG Jester

185 posts

17 months

Friday 7th June
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Your 'old' brain is wired to skip past the 'new' brain if it perceives a threat so once your brain/body has identified 'the threat' you have a massive dump of adrenalin to fight, flight or freeze in some cases! This is how we end up with panic attacks as your logical brain hasn't had time to comprehend why your heart rate has gone from 50-70 bpm to 120/130 bpm.

You will probably also shake, sweat, and most likely need a st once you realise what's going on and start to calm down.


7,807 posts

181 months

Thursday 20th June
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Have you ever noticed that if you touch something hot and immediately pull your hand away, you don't feel the pain until afterwards?

That would imply that one part of the brain is working faster than another.