UFO Thread



2,285 posts

187 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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BT Summers said:
Again I disagree with you, Your assertion that a situation on which you have no knowledge whatsoever has a logical explanation is quite unreasonable when someone is telling you that they had first hand knowledge and experience.
I'm sorry, but as a third-party here what he's saying makes complete sense, I don't know why you are so angry about it. Saying that a man recalled a successful quasi-exorcism sixty years ago, when there are thousands of reports of miracles and exorcisms and absolutely none with any evidence is just common sense. They must love you when you go to buy a second hand car if you accept people's word so readily.

BT Summers said:
You are an example of the worst of PH, you deny something that is known to another simply because it is outside your own experience.
No, it's not outside his experience, it's outside everybody's and also sciences isn't it? If you think he's "the worst of PH" simply for offering common sense arguments, you need to have a word with yourself.

irish boy

3,559 posts

239 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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It is a fascinating subject, and obviously unexplained in the case of the pyramid objects.

What always gets me is if there really is a highly advanced civilisation who send ships why would they just spend a couple of days buzzing round a few ships.


24,375 posts

116 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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irish boy said:
It is a fascinating subject, and obviously unexplained in the case of the pyramid objects.

What always gets me is if there really is a highly advanced civilisation who send ships why would they just spend a couple of days buzzing round a few ships.
It also seems likely if a civilization capable of building craft to traverse distances measured in light-years existed, might they not simply send us an email instead?

Einion Yrth

19,575 posts

247 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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paulguitar said:
irish boy said:
It is a fascinating subject, and obviously unexplained in the case of the pyramid objects.

What always gets me is if there really is a highly advanced civilisation who send ships why would they just spend a couple of days buzzing round a few ships.
It also seems likely if a civilization capable of building craft to traverse distances measured in light-years existed, might they not simply send us an email instead?
And then how are they going to anally probe Cletus in the mid-west, eh?


24,375 posts

116 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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Einion Yrth said:
paulguitar said:
irish boy said:
It is a fascinating subject, and obviously unexplained in the case of the pyramid objects.

What always gets me is if there really is a highly advanced civilisation who send ships why would they just spend a couple of days buzzing round a few ships.
It also seems likely if a civilization capable of building craft to traverse distances measured in light-years existed, might they not simply send us an email instead?
And then how are they going to anally probe Cletus in the mid-west, eh?
Mmm, good question...biggrin


13,871 posts

287 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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BT Summers said:
There was no confusion, Rob made a reference to a visit to a Derbyshire pub in the 1980s whena relative of his had an experience that could not be easily explained and another PHer made insulting remarks because in relating the account some 4 years prior Rob had mistaken whether it was his sister or sister in law. Hardly a big deal
FFS - the first time round he claimed to actually be there, the second time round he said he wasn't. Are you on some form of meta-cobblers crusade, making up more cobblers to try and justify the initial cobblers?

BT Summers said:
Enough time has been spent on this matter on this unrelated thread,
Hilarious - you turn up on this thread, crap all over it with your whinge about events on another thread in the Lounge, and then make try to make a virtue out of deciding to stop crapping all over it. Do you have anything to contribute on the topic, or is that it?

BT Summers said:
I have been in touch with Rob Johnson, he is a bit frail but will not be coming back.
My point precisely. None of us are.


24,375 posts

116 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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eharding said:
My point precisely. None of us are.

Eric Mc

122,382 posts

268 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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mike74 said:
That was the only possible explanation I could think of, although the lack of a tail was notable, every other meteor I've ever seen previously seemed to have a slight tail even when only lasting for a split second
Some do - most actually don't. I am pretty sure what you saw was a meteor.

Einion Yrth

19,575 posts

247 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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paulguitar said:
eharding said:
My point precisely. None of us are.
Indeed, mordant; I don't think mr. harding does emollient, or conciliatory.


8,135 posts

283 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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Einion Yrth

19,575 posts

247 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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Narcisus said:
What do you guys think this is ?

Given that it appears to be "setting" I'd hazard at some celestial object filmed with a potato.


13,871 posts

287 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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Einion Yrth said:
Narcisus said:
What do you guys think this is ?

Given that it appears to be "setting" I'd hazard at some celestial object filmed with a potato.
That or a silvered helium balloon filmed with a potato.

I'm surprised no-one has pointed out the ghostly spirits that the potato captures at 18:50 or thereabouts, floating opposite the street lamps.

Ghosts and aliens. It's a wet dream come true for the die-hard believers.


24,375 posts

116 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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Narcisus said:
What do you guys think this is ?

A balloon. Why would anyone film that for 20 minutes?


3,687 posts

135 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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Eric Mc said:
mike74 said:
That was the only possible explanation I could think of, although the lack of a tail was notable, every other meteor I've ever seen previously seemed to have a slight tail even when only lasting for a split second
Some do - most actually don't. I am pretty sure what you saw was a meteor.
I did wonder if they do actually have a tail or if it's just my eyes creating the impression of a tail


8,135 posts

283 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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paulguitar said:
Narcisus said:
What do you guys think this is ?

A balloon. Why would anyone film that for 20 minutes?
Because they didn't know it was a balloon ?

Eric Mc

122,382 posts

268 months

Saturday 17th April 2021
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mike74 said:
I did wonder if they do actually have a tail or if it's just my eyes creating the impression of a tail
Depending on circumstances, the high speed and temperature of the meteor can ionise the atmospheric gases it encounters as it plummets through the atmosphere. This ion trail will sometimes glow for a few seconds. It is quite a beautiful sight and I have seen it many times. However, many meteors are too small and/or not fast enough to generate this ionised gas trail.

Meteors can enter the atmosphere at different speeds depending on circumstances. These speeds can vary from a sedate 30,000 mph to over 100,000 mph.


3,987 posts

260 months

Sunday 18th April 2021
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This is an interesting article I think.

UFO Stigma Leaves US Vulnerable To Zero-Emission & Low-Emission Unmanned Aircraft

If an object is in the sky and you don’t know what it is, it’s a UFO. People who talk about UFOs are largely regarded as conspiracy theorists, nutjobs, or fraudsters of some kind, so everyone’s afraid to take unidentified objects very seriously. Unfortunately, it’s fairly easy to identify many of the UFOs as low-cost drones likely operated by China or Russia, and nobody appears to be taking them seriously because they lump them into the same category as the “little green men” and flying saucers

To be clear, Rogoway is not talking about the few UFO reports that are presently unexplainable. Things like the “Tic Tac” incident, where Navy pilots got decent optical imagery of a vehicle doing humanly-impossible things, are not what Rogoway discusses in his lengthy (but worth the read) article. He specifically and intentionally excludes anything outlandish and unexplainable. What remains, though, is often obviously remotely operated or even fully-autonomous drones and/or balloons that are well within the financial reach of not only near-peer militaries like China’s, but sometimes even poor rogue states and terror groups to operate.



6,326 posts

268 months

Sunday 18th April 2021
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Do UFOs exist? Evidently - there are things in the sky people see, that they can’t identify.

Is there alien life in the universe? Given the size and age of it, you’d have to say yes, and some of it should have evolved to the point it’s intelligent unless we’re a major anomaly.

Are they visiting us? Seems unlikely, particularly if you’re of the view they’ve been visiting since the times of the pyramids, etc.

Why come all this way to then do nothing? Logically that makes very little sense to me...


24,375 posts

116 months

Sunday 18th April 2021
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DanL said:
Do UFOs exist? Evidently - there are things in the sky people see, that they can’t identify.

Is there alien life in the universe? Given the size and age of it, you’d have to say yes, and some of it should have evolved to the point it’s intelligent unless we’re a major anomaly.

Are they visiting us? Seems unlikely, particularly if you’re of the view they’ve been visiting since the times of the pyramids, etc.

Why come all this way to then do nothing? Logically that makes very little sense to me...
Yep, this mirrors my views. I think there are certain types of people who are very attracted to the mysterious and can be very sensitive and defensive when things are looked at in a grown-up and sensible way. Religions have latched onto this for millennia.


1,498 posts

174 months

Sunday 18th April 2021
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paulguitar said:
It also seems likely if a civilization capable of building craft to traverse distances measured in light-years existed, might they not simply send us an email instead?
Assuming it's us they want to see...if there's loads of intelligent life around then we are unremarkable and they might be here to see the blue whales, which are f***ing massive... or something equally interesting...laugh