Evolution - is it real?

Evolution - is it real?



35,661 posts

153 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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p1stonhead said:
Look up what theory means in a scientific context.

The end.
No! Do your own research. wink


1,169 posts

182 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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otherman said:
You're one of the half way animals. Half way to what, we don't know yet.
Crabs. The destination is always crabs.


Drive it fix it repeat

1,046 posts

54 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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People who doubt evolution I imagine are the same type of people who think the earth is flat.


9,212 posts

229 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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Wiry PAYE said:
I find evolution a fascinating subject and can see where the op is coming from. Take metamorphosis for example or the sheer number of different plants animals insects that there are it’s just mind boggling.
You find it fascinating, the OP thinks it's just a theory and hence hasn't been proven which is incorrect.

Do you still see where the OP is coming from?


12,053 posts

172 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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Drive it fix it repeat said:
People who doubt evolution I imagine are the same type of people who think the earth is flat.
Or they managed to avoid evolution hehe


43,900 posts

153 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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JohnnyJones said:
Evolution is a theory.
Ooo, evolution deniers bingo, long time since I played.

I'll dig out my card and mark off "it's only a theory". Just wait for "if humans evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys" and all the other rubbish people who don't even understand evolution come out with.

FFS!!! It's 2021 in the country that actually gave the world the theory of evolution by means of natural selection, and we still have to deal with this utter crap.


16,007 posts

207 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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To be fair, "theory" has been corrupted a little by common usage to mean "guess".

OP - As others have said, theory in a scientific context boils down to this:

  • Something happens or is observed.
  • Scientists guess why this might happen or how it works - a hypothesis. This is the equivalent of guess, NOT theory.
  • It is up to the scientist to prove their hypothesis is correct, or at least that there are no better explanations.
  • It is tested by experiment, if the experiment shows something other than what the hypothesis predicted, the hypothesis is wrong (assuming the experiment was reasonable and fair). No ifs, no buts, it's wrong. It may need the tiniest tweak, or it might be batst mental, but wrong it is and wrong it shall remain.
  • Every other scientist in the world has the opportunity to poke holes in the hypothesis, prove that it's wrong, prove that they have a better explanation, set up experiments to make it fail or require tweaks or to prove there's a hole in it somehow.
ONLY after all that is it a "Theory". Once it's called a theory, it's STILL available for scientists to poke holes in. Constantly.

If something is a theory in the scientific sense, what it's saying is - "This is the best way we can come up with to explain this thing that happens. We're not saying it's 100% absolutely true and will never be superseded by something more accurate when science advances, more detailed observations can be made, when new evidence comes to light, etc. But for now we've tried and tried and tried to prove this wrong and trip it up and find a better or more accurate way to explain the thing that happens, and at EVERY turn, this explanation has been proved to be the best one."


2,929 posts

210 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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otherman said:
You're one of the half way animals. Half way to what, we don't know yet.
First reply nailed it. Even if you didn’t intend for it to be an insult. hehe

Deep Thought

36,131 posts

200 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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Drive it fix it repeat said:
People who doubt evolution I imagine are the same type of people who think the earth is flat.
Or believe they have an invisible friend in the sky.


36,740 posts

227 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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Having been on PH for many years, I'm not convinced about evolution.................there are plenty of Apes

As for Australia not existing, according to the F1 thread Australia has been cancelled, so thats much the same thing.

The earth is flat - at least my patio is, I tested it with a spirit level

So having cited those 3 examples all is answered QED

Edited by blueg33 on Tuesday 5th January 14:04


5,263 posts

187 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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In the wake of Jim Fixx and his fitness revolution,many people
got Darwinism wrong.

'Survivial of the fittest' never meant survival of whatever creature
is in the best physical condition. Were this so, you'd see Cheetahs
in Lycra on bicycles.

In context, 'fittest' meant the organism best fitted to survive.
I say organism 'cos it could be anything living, from an amoeba
to a blue whale and anything inbetween.


1,153 posts

221 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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And to quote a B-in-L "I now know evolution can go backwards-I've been to Bridgwater!"

Apologies to those residents of the Somerset town but it does have a certain reputation.

Having not studied biology formally since I was 14 am definitely a layperson, but to my simple mind:
Descent with modification=observable fact;
Common ancestry=conclusion arrived at inductively.

Happy to be corrected.


1,505 posts

211 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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I find it difficult to believe that in this day and age there are folk who don't get evolution.


3,057 posts

168 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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otolith said:
Next week - Australia, does it really exist?
Pah, open your eyes sheeple! Don't swallow the antipodean lies that the lame-stream media is peddling. Do your own research!


12,067 posts

122 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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JohnnyJones said:
Evolution is a theory. If it happened / happens then where are all the ‘half way’ animals?

JohnnyJones said:
It’s not just the missing link between us and the monkeys that’s missing is it
Definitely Rotherham.


57 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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mrtwisty said:
otolith said:
Next week - Australia, does it really exist?
Pah, open your eyes sheeple! Don't swallow the antipodean lies that the lame-stream media is peddling. Do your own research!

I doubt there’s a topic/scientific theory/whatever in existence where someone on here doesn’t believe it’s real for some reason.

You can probably find evidence of anything at all with the internet.

Here we go

Does Australia really exist?


Eric Mc

122,392 posts

268 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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JohnnyJones said:
Have we done this?

Evolution is a theory. If it happened / happens then where are all the ‘half way’ animals? It’s not just the missing link between us and the monkeys that’s missing is it, there are thousands. Where are walking fish, bald birds or whatever. And if the theory is wrong then what’s the alternative?
Yes - we've done it.

Of course evolution is real - ask any virus.


43,900 posts

153 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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davhill said:
In the wake of Jim Fixx and his fitness revolution,many people
got Darwinism wrong.

'Survivial of the fittest' never meant survival of whatever creature
is in the best physical condition. Were this so, you'd see Cheetahs
in Lycra on bicycles.

In context, 'fittest' meant the organism best fitted to survive.
I say organism 'cos it could be anything living, from an amoeba
to a blue whale and anything inbetween.
It's survival of the fittest within a certain species. So a strong fast cheetah is more likely to live long enough to pass its genes on than a weaker, slightly slower cheetah.

But between species, it's survival of the most adaptable. Crocodiles were around at the same time as dinosaurs. But when the meteor struck 65m years ago, crocodiles were more adaptable to changing conditions than dinosaurs. Hence they're still with us.


1,746 posts

80 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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otolith said:
Next week - Australia, does it really exist?
Magnets - how do they work?


4,868 posts

141 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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I'm not convinced by evolution.

There used to be people that were convinced the earth wasn't flat. They were subsequently proven correct.

Nothing is indisputable but I'll leave that to others.